The problem isn't the art. The problem is that many schools claim to be traditional , but they are only traditional in form and not in training. Traditionally martial arts has a self-defense, self-development focus. By self-development, I mean that the body and the mind is trained so that you can deal with risks, dangers, and challenges that are present when you actually fight. These days self-development refers to confidence, respect, and self-esteem. These things are things you can get without martial arts. Traditionally if you didn't have these things before martial arts then some teachers wouldn't take you as a student. Most traditional martial arts schools that are out there are only traditional in name and in the forms they do. They don't train with a self-defense focus so they can't do self-defense using the techniques they train.that a lot of traditional chinese martial arts are not suitable for self defence.
The number of techniques available does not decrease one's self-defense abilities.
You are correct that there are different variations and combinations, but that's a good thing. That means I only need to learn one movement that can be used 20 different ways vs trying to learn 20 different techniques with one use. If you find it confusing then it's because you are rushing your learning. You are trying to learn how to apply too many things all at once. Take 1 technique to learn how to apply. When you learn that 1 technique then try to understand if there are other variations of that 1 technique or combination. Once you have a good understanding of that one technique then you can add another technique.There are so many different variations and combinations for every scenario that it just gets confusing. With so much to learn I find it hard to practice it all to the point where I could rely on it in a self defence scenario.
As a student your goal shouldn't be to try to learn how to fight with all of the kung fu techniques. Some techniques will work better for you than others based on your own capabilities and fighting style.