Thats pretty much exactly what I said. Nowhere did I say I train to just deal with a geriatric drunk. Ive actually stated several times that I train with law enforcement officers and they use what we are taught on a day to day basis.
I've been a cop for 14 years, and the fact is that much of what is passed for realistic training among most cops is deficient, and works best on geriatric drunks.
Moreover, much of what is being taught now that is effective in police training evolved directly from the sport world, i.e. MMA, BJJ, Judo, in particular, as well as the FMA's.
Finally, most police officers go their entire careers without ever engaging in a real, honest to god, one of us is going home/one of us is going to the hospital/morgue, knock down drag outs. There are several reasons for this....
1) Effective less lethal weapons.....Tasers, OC Sprays, Batons.
2) Backup allows multiple officer responses
3) Most folks don't fight with the police, and when they do, the above two apply.
So trying to judge the effectiveness of a technique based solely on the anecdotal experience of a given police officer is deficient.......not without value, but at the same time, it's bound to be limited because of the above reasons.
That isn't to say that many officers don't know what they are doing, quite the contrary, but we learn to play the game smart. So the better the officer the LESS often he actually gets real world experience testing his skills. So those skills have to be tested somewhere.
My point about MMA is that it has great value, because it allows us to examine how certain methods and techniques work against someone violently resisting them. Sure, it's a controlled setting, and sure, there are a few, limited rules........but that doesn't change it's merit as an effective test of techniques.
The same can be said for what the Dog Brothers are's a controlled laboratory of technique, and quite a bit is learned, and, what really hacks a lot of folks off, a lot of sacred cows end up getting slaughtered.