Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo

i think gary is right about the court thing though.......how many times has someone been railroaded and convicted only to find out later that the person was innocent the whole time........lots!
you just dont hear about it as much as it happens simply because it paints a bad picture of the justice system.

BlackCatBonz said:
i think gary is right about the court thing though.......how many times has someone been railroaded and convicted only to find out later that the person was innocent the whole time........lots!
you just dont hear about it as much as it happens simply because it paints a bad picture of the justice system.


I know what you're saying, Shawn but the court case does back up the heresay and statements and interviews of others of the time that knew him. I remember one interview (I still have in my mag collection) was with Professor Chow and 'con man' was one of the several adjectives he used to describe Mitose. I have to honestly say that to imply Mitose was innocent of criminal behavior and was a man of peace would be reaching. I know on occassion someone can get the royal banana and be innocent but in Mitose's case violent behavior seemed to be his m.o. Remember the threats Sijo Adriano Emperado stated Mitose made to him when he wouldn't fly under his Kenpo Jui Jitsu banner and then he punched a dent in his '36 Buick! I don't know but it all seems to add up to me.
How about this thought pattern.

Arnold G. He was a person, and still is, who is very much into the teaching of his profession, which is the ability to read people.:idunno:

Now, did he get dupped also? Or did he pull out because he was tired of the in fighting and was to busy with his own life, realized you have got to know which fight you will win or lose?:idunno:

Stop treading water and get out of it (water or the topic at hand).

I sure would like to hear more of his insight or thoughts regarding the whole thing.:)

This will be something that I have asked and will not get any play I am sure.

Regard, Gary:asian:
John Bishop said:
"Shorei Ryu" is a common Okinawan system. But your saying that there is a "Kosho Shorei Ryu Kenpo" style practiced in Japan? And it's lineage goe's back to the Mitose's family temple?

Oh, no! I am of the opinion that Mitose named his art to both hide it and give clues to it's origin. I think that the place to look in Japan would be under the martial art that is most commonly practiced by the Yoshidas.

What bothers me, and I am not the one doing the research, so I may be way off, but what bothers me is that the name Kosho Shorei Ryu always leads to a dead end in Japan. So, Mitose made it all up and conned us.

Why not assume for research sake that Mitose made up the name, and look at the curriculum taught to the Yoshida family as being the origin of our art? That seems rather obvious to me, but it may be harder done than said, or perhaps that angle has been tried already and I don't know about it...
John Bishop said:
Alvin is actually the youngest of the 3 legitimate son's. He and his older brother were son's of James and Dorothy (Ogata) Mitose. Thomas Barro Mitose is the son of James and Mildred Mitose. James also has a few illegitimate children in Hawaii.

Oh well, it was the only other name I have!
GAB said:
Arnold G. He was a person, and still is, who is very much into the teaching of his profession, which is the ability to read people.:idunno:

Now, did he get dupped also? Or did he pull out because he was tired of the in fighting and was to busy with his own life, realized you have got to know which fight you will win or lose?:idunno:

I talked to Arnold Golub a number of years ago, and found him quite willing to answer direct questions, but not real willing to give information out in areas that I knew nothing about. I understand, so no big deal.

But, Gary, you are right. He stepped out because he got tired of the whole mess. He did not at that time feel like things were taking the direction that Mitose had wanted them to take, and although "Headmaster" he was not in a position to tell the other masters what to do.
Karazenpo said:
Quote from Kelly: "Yeah Mitose would preach peace. He just seemed to have a problem practicing what he preached."

Kelly, I think you hit the nail on the head! Agreed.
I thought you'd like that one.

Gary, c'ome on, you're a former cop and you can't tell? O.J. didn't kill, Scott Peterson is innocent, Mark Hacky didn't put his wife's body in a garbage dump after he put a .22 through her head and Michael Jackson doesn't fondle little boys, Charles Manson & Ted Bundy were misunderstood and last but not least, Mitose's not a criminal! You know what? I've about had it if this B.S. continues. I'm pretty open minded and I always try to be fair but if anyone answers to the contrary of this post......then you are in "Neverland" and I'm not the one who should wake up and smell the coffee! C'ome on guys, be real and let's move on from here!
Hi Professor,

Yes I agree with you, blowing smoke, is what I have always called it, I am just throwing out thoughts to see how they play.
I have posted many times agreeing with you, but hey. :idunno:

Now, I just heard that Kobe is not going to be charged criminally.

I think you will see more of that in the future. Goes along with responsibility for ones own actions weather it is criminal or not. :uhyeah:

It has got to happen sooner or later, rather then society being at fault, the person who commited the act will be accountable at least with a form of redemption to the person or family wronged.

I like the idea, "Revenge is a dish best served cold.":mp5: :flame:
I believe payment is a form of redemption, worked for Hammarabi, good stuff.

Regards, Gary%-}
Karazenpo said:
Gary, c'ome on, you're a former cop and you can't tell? O.J. didn't kill, Scott Peterson is innocent, Mark Hacky didn't put his wife's body in a garbage dump after he put a .22 through her head and Michael Jackson doesn't fondle little boys, Charles Manson & Ted Bundy were misunderstood and last but not least, Mitose's not a criminal! You know what? I've about had it if this B.S. continues. I'm pretty open minded and I always try to be fair but if anyone answers to the contrary of this post......then you are in "Neverland" and I'm not the one who should wake up and smell the coffee! C'ome on guys, be real and let's move on from here!
Hi Professor,
I posted and it did not come up, it is in cyber space and will show up later?

The jest of it is, who did they intern, and who did they not, why?

Why was the investigating Officer also Japanese (language barrier). Why :idunno: because the person who is a defendent does not speak USA very well would be my guess.

I am at a disadvantage, I can give a few hints but not the full story. I am not in the big picture. I am not BS'ing you I am just throwing out thoughts and a piece of the puzzle. :)

My thought is it is in your court to disprove, since there are so many places I can go on the net, and find the story that he did go. Legends are tough.

Yes, so are myths, so are religions, so we are just going to have to wait for a while I guess. Doc won't answer my few questions, and you want me to answer yours, :whip: I have been trying.

I just think it is time to go on from a different angle, we have beat this to a pulp. I would say with the war and the troubles, we have a spy, with double citizenship and an agenda. He played both sides more then once.

Last but not least, the name is within the name, it is in plain sight,
change an I or an O and you have the answer, the key is knowledge, a little
name playing, I think. Sort of sifting through a code that is obvious.

I think there were quite a few people being conned in the early years of Kenpo, it is out in the open if you choose to look for it, or you can ignore it and hope it will not come up.

Yes, Ed Parker and Al Tracy have done a lot of good for Kenpo, So has Bruce Juchnik.

There has been strife in all the arts, but we just need to go on and let old history, be just that, from the ashes comes new life, let it go at that.

The A&E Doc will stir some things up maybe for the good maybe not.
Like I said before, who holds the best hand, is it a bluff or real?

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Hi Professor,
Last but not least, the name is within the name, it is in plain sight,
change an I or an O and you have the answer, the key is knowledge, a little
name playing, I think. Sort of sifting through a code that is obvious.

Regards, Gary
You mean the stuff about the "Kanji" being the same for "Masayoshi" and "Masakichi"? And the name being written wrongly on the passenger list for the ship to Japan? I've heard about these travel records. I've also heard there's no record of "Masayoshi" or "Masakichi" Mitose returning from Japan.
The Hawaii state doc's we have show that "Mitose" used a differant last name while he was growing up in Hawaii. We have a picture of him when he was 13-14, does Mr. Juchnik or Mr. Tracy have one of these?
John Bishop said:
You mean the stuff about the "Kanji" being the same for "Masayoshi" and "Masakichi"? And the name being written wrongly on the passenger list for the ship to Japan? I've heard about these travel records. I've also heard there's no record of "Masayoshi" or "Masakichi" Mitose returning from Japan.
The Hawaii state doc's we have show that "Mitose" used a differant last name while he was growing up in Hawaii. We have a picture of him when he was 13-14, does Mr. Juchnik or Mr. Tracy have one of these?
another relic from the past....are you sure its a picture of Mitose? you dont seem to be sure if he is 13 or 14.

also....true or false- 100% of the truth is revealed in a court of law 100% of the time.

LEO's feel free to answer this question

BlackCatBonz said:
another relic from the past....are you sure its a picture of Mitose? you dont seem to be sure if he is 13 or 14.

also....true or false- 100% of the truth is revealed in a court of law 100% of the time.

LEO's feel free to answer this question

The picture goes with others that his ex-classmate/roomate provided, along with other personal items Mitose left behind when he moved.
hi john
im not trying to give you a hard time or anything......i really respect your position as a teacher, historian and investigator.

BlackCatBonz said:
hi john
im not trying to give you a hard time or anything......i really respect your position as a teacher, historian and investigator.

No problem at all. We're all looking for the same truth. Hopefully someday we'll all put our piecies of the puzzle together, discard the one's that don't fit, and have a complete picture.
I was actually thinking about the Martial Art, like the way they changed the name from China Hand to Empty Hand (Karate).:)

The name of Mitose, I have not gotten involved with that except, some people that I have talked to, who seem like good sources, say he went to Japan.

How about the internment, or is anyone going to address the language barrier?:idunno:

Regards, Gary:asian:
GAB said:
The name of Mitose, I have not gotten involved with that except, some people that I have talked to, who seem like good sources, say he went to Japan.
But do they have records that a "Masayoshi" or "Masakichi" Mitose came back from Japan?

GAB said:
How about the internment, or is anyone going to address the language barrier?:idunno:

Regards, Gary:asian:
If your talking about Mitose, I was under the impression that the Japanese living in Hawaii were not interned since they were concentrated on a island. Plus it would have been a hard task since Japanese descendants are the largest population on in Hawaii.
Just to clear some things up...

GAB said:
I was actually thinking about the Martial Art, like the way they changed the name from China Hand to Empty Hand (Karate).
That was not a "they" but a "he" in Gichin Funakoshi. His alteration of the kanji, with the same pronunciation, simply became popular and nothing more.

GAB said:
The name of Mitose, I have not gotten involved with that except, some people that I have talked to, who seem like good sources, say he went to Japan.How about the internment, or is anyone going to address the language barrier?

Regards, Gary
I believe you are talking about Hawaii? To that effect, I have a good quote:
Nakatsu, Russ. Historical Background of the Nisei. 1995. online. www.kent.wednet.edu/ksd/sj/nikkei/the_nisei.html. Sep. 9, 1998.

"In Hawaii, where most of the Japanese were not sent to camps, the recruitment quota was exceeded by several thousand. Though much closer to the enemy and of greater strategic importance, Hawaii needed every worker it could get. As a result, fewer than 2,000 Japanese were moved from Hawaii, mostly aliens and those considered security risks. Approximately one-third of those evacuated from Hawaii were citizens, and mostly Kibei at that. While still being treated with suspicion, the Hawaiian Japanese generally fared better than their mainland counterparts.

Eventually, the 100th Infantry Battalion was formed in Hawaii, as was the 442nd combat unit; an all-Nisei squad made from volunteers from the camps. They were active in Italy and France, suffering the highest casualty rate of any unit in the war.

The 442nd sustained 9,486 wounded and over 600 killed. However, the unit also won fifty-two Distinguished Service Crosses, 560 Silver Stars, seven Presidential Unit Citations, and one posthumous Congressional Medal of Honor. The 100th Battalion received 900 Purple Hearts, thirty-six Silver Stars, twenty-one Bronze Stars, and three Distinguished Service Crosses".

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