Characteristics of Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo

Hello my name is Gavin I am from phila. I am a ryu member of the Koga Ha Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo. This is the Mitose system as taught to his last student Nimr Hassan. I have a web site come check us out. I just opened it so give me a little more time and you will find it to be a very informative site on the Mitose system.
It seems to me that Kosho Shorei is a set of principles designed to be added to a base art. Mitose listed the 4 levels as War Arts, Joint Striking and Locking, Push/Pull, and Total Evasion with no body contact.

Most kenpo systems are war arts, meaning that they use a variety of techniques that typically incapacitate an opponent in one or two movements. There are techniques that do not, and they are either for training purposes or they fall into one of the other categories.

Kosho Shorei provides a systematic way to link the 4 levels together, if taught correctly. It is all in Mitose's book, the big one, for those who care to check.
Benjp said:
I've been reading this site for well over two years and most have disparaging comments about Kosho Shorei ryu. I don't really think it matters what Mitose did to train Hanshi, because what Hanshi teaches is simply brilliant..

Just my 2 1/2 cents..


This is a quote..."No, Mitose did not teach us techniques in prison. He was well liked and afforded a small space in the visiting area where he could sit and talk with people. We were able to ask questions and very calmly move our arms to demonstrate what we were trying to say or ask. Very often, the answer to a question ended the lesson with the response, "Go read my book and come back to me."
The Kai said:
Are you talking about the first book Mitose published??

I am talking about the one with the red cover, "What is True Self Defense?"

It is the one with no techniques, and about 220 pages.
The Kai said:
The one he wrote in prison?

Well, yes, that is the book. I heard it was the one written first, and it was the one he wanted to publish, but the publishers talked him into changing it, adding techniques, etc. My understanding is the manuscript existed in its almost finished form for years before Mitose went to prison, and was cleaned up and slightly revised for release while he was imprisoned.
Have you actually ever seem this book, or read it? I askl cuz most people that talk so revertly about this book have never seem it. there is nothing in the book,
The Kai said:
Have you actually ever seem this book, or read it? I askl cuz most people that talk so revertly about this book have never seem it. there is nothing in the book,

I have a copy, yes.
The Kai said:
What do you find facinating about this book??

Some of the exercises and breathing exercises in the book are exactly like the movements in the "I Chin Ching", but that work was not available in English translation at that time. The exercises in the book are also exactly the same as the ones he showed Lisa Chun back in the late 30s which lends credibility to Mitose not just making all this up in prison.

I see the book as Mitose's attempt to fill in the kosho that he did not teach in Hawaii. After reading it a couple of times, it seems rather clear that Mitose taught the War Time Arts in Hawaii and attempted to teach the other aspects of it to an audience that did not want it.

The book presents those other aspects of the art in such a way as so they can be added to any good base style. It even offers pointers on where to look if people can not figure out the concepts as presented in the book.

All of this is packaged in a book that was obviously Mitose's attempt to either gain probation or repay his debt to society. Because of that, much of what is in the book is missed, yet it is consistent with Mitose's habit of hiding things in plain sight.
While it is true the book does present the octogon, you'd be better off getting a tape from hanshi Bruce Juchnik. Cheaper, easier to find, clearly expalined. But it does'nt have the mysterious ring of "The Book"!
well todd, i must admit......i like the mitose book. but on the other hand, hanshi's tapes on octagon movement are excellent.
I think the book is the "golden fleece". Its value comes from people like Juchnik interprteing it. For the time and the trouble - get a tape!!
The Kai said:
I think the book is the "golden fleece". Its value comes from people like Juchnik interprteing it. For the time and the trouble - get a tape!!

Interesting point. Is there no value in my interpretation? What if I have the book and I have trained with Ray Arquilla and gotten his interpretations? Would having the book and Juchnik's tapes be better than just having the tapes?

I doubt the tapes are cheaper than what I paid for the book, btw!
Actually, like most times I spoke too soon. Gm Arquilla, tho I've only seen him once is a great teacher-I did'nt mean to dis him. I have'nt seen tapes from Arquilla.
The Kai said:
Actually, like most times I spoke too soon. Gm Arquilla, tho I've only seen him once is a great teacher-I did'nt mean to dis him. I have'nt seen tapes from Arquilla.

GM Arquilla does not have any tapes out, and prefers not to be taped, as I understand it. He did, begrudgingly, make a reference DVD of his most recent seminar.

A very impressive man, both in knowledge and skill. It was this most recent seminar that has rekindled my interest in "the book." Some of the things that he said and his interpretations have me getting much more from it now than I had before. :asian:
I'm glad you had a great time, ironically I think it is the teacher (and thier teaching) that give the book value and not the other way around!
The Kai said:
I'm glad you had a great time, ironically I think it is the teacher (and thier teaching) that give the book value and not the other way around!

I certainly agree with you there. Any book is only as valuable as what the reader gets out of it. :asian:

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