Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo

GAB said:
Hi Dave and Joe,

We can't let this go until the news is out, and it is very close to becoming
"I told you so", but which one of us is going to say it?

Then which one is going to start a different thread to refute that?

Regards, Gary
With all due respects, Gary, it's not a case of "I told you so", as much as it is "so what"?

As long as there are novitiates willing to pay expert level practitioners for the knowledge of how to throw a better strike, punch, kick, throw, etc., it will not matter to the money being exchanged WHERE the lineage of the information came from. It will not matter to the acolyte who did what 50 or 1,000 years ago, as long as the information related to rubber hitting the road (combat applications of fighting arts) stands the tests it is put to.

Which is more important:
a) "After training in this program for 3+ years, will I be able to defend myself against an aggressor, demonstrating skill and confidence, and emerging victorious with a minimum of injury?"


b) "Is the program I'm training in related through lineage to some guy whom I've never met, may not like if I did, and who died decades before I started training in this program?"

The ultimate challenge to the useful application of any given piece of information lies in the words of the relevancy challenge: "So what?". I've seen nothing in any of these threads that will cause me to change my direction in training, modify how I present the history of my art to students, or even slightly change the price of tea in China.

Percent ratio to relevancy about anything? Zero.


PS -- Don't bother e-mailing me when you find "the truth"...I get enough junk mail already.
Once the facts are known we may have as many questions as when we started trying to put the puzzle together. There is really no purpose in fighting about it until all of the info is out (next month or two, I'd guess--this stuff is coming out like a 10-month old baby :eek: ).

History is history. Practice is practice. A punch is still a punch, regardless (let's not get too technical here!). Asking questions, voicing doubt, that is part of the fact finding. Sometimes we find that there are only hints--not a big, clear answer at the end. Sometimes the facts are spartan, questionable, tenuous, surprising, gut wrenching, mundane. That is what history is. Things aren't always clear cut, this is not a court of law we are dealing in. History is a social science--not a "hard science". Some may be more convinced than others, and some folks may refuse to adapt their orthodoxy regardless of what comes forth. Even today, there are very divided camps over things like what happened in Troy, how Kennedy was assasinated, what the Rodney King tape means.

We might be closer to postulating more believable theories, but there is also the possibility that the more information we get, the more complex the possibilities could become. I've never been tempted to look askence at a practitioner because of his/her lineage. The proof is in the practice. Delving into history is another animal altogether. It really has nothing to do with one's rank, one's level of skill.

In the end, sometimes the hardest thing to do is to step away from the (historical) articles of faith with which one has become comfortable, and consider the alternative. It's human nature to want clear answers, to know the truth. We shouldn't expect too much. Uncertainty will always be hanging around and waiting to sweep us off our feet. Let's not make this personal. It isn't believeing in god, ufo's, or krishna (or our trusted martial icons) that will give us character and keep us honest men & women. Actions and examples. Now THOSE I can appreciate! :)

Stay Safe,

M.C. Busman
It should prove very interesting. I'm looking forward to the release and as I said before, I'm not rooting for either side to be true, I just would like to have the correct answer to tell my students when they ask. Actually, if the Kosho guys are right, it will make it a lot easier for me for I still have Mitose posted at my school on the lineage wall as the 21st decendant of Kosho ryu, I won't have to change it, lol.
Karazenpo said:
It should prove very interesting. I'm looking forward to the release and as I said before, I'm not rooting for either side to be true, I just would like to have the correct answer to tell my students when they ask. Actually, if the Kosho guys are right, it will make it a lot easier for me for I still have Mitose posted at my school on the lineage wall as the 21st decendant of Kosho ryu, I won't have to change it, lol.
Do you know when the release is?
Hi Joe,

I think that is something that the 22nd GGM should address, I feel that might be up for reevaluation, but as far as Mitose going to Japan or not I think that is closer to the truth.

I would like to see less sniping, by others who really don't care, if they don't care, don't comment.

I believe this is a good thread and will be of value in the future regarding when it all came out, etc.

Like I said, it is going to be addressed at the gathering, how much who know's. Hanshi Bruce will control that. I do know, that quite a few things will be addressed.

I believe you will see a more aggressive, leaner and meaner attitude and more information will be available, just because of these numerous threads that have caused more attention, to the reason some align with Mitose and some who don't.

I wish Hanshi would do some Kumite, some drills, show his stuff. He does not do that, he has a following based on his abilities, if he started to show more action regarding his capabilities, he would have more following. I am pretty sure about that.

There are quite a few of the masters in many of the organizations that go to his gatherings.

He is an excellent all around Martial Artist. He is really outstanding with the FMA sticks also the Jo and Bo, yet does not try to impress outside of his own following.

Excellent with the various sharp edged weapons also.

Time will tell.

Regards, Gary
Karazenpo said:
I mean't 'The Gathering' that Gary is speaking of. I think he said it's in a couple of weeks.
Oh. I was looking for the release of the A&E special. I recently moved and haven't hooked up cable yet. Any idea when it's coming out?
akja said:
Oh. I was looking for the release of the A&E special. I recently moved and haven't hooked up cable yet. Any idea when it's coming out?

From what I've been told so far, early in 2005.
Yes, I stopped posting links when something new goes up...just check back at San Jose Kenpo at least once a week! :) The discussion usually isn't too bad either.

Happy Monday,

M.C. Busman
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
I checked in here for the really great ground-breaking, history shaking news...so, uh, what happened?


Yeah!, Me too!!!
Karazenpo said:
Yeah!, Me too!!!
Once about every half decade or so, someone who has hitched their credibility wagon to Mitose "threatens" to release the hidden "truth." They say the information will be "earth shattering" and will cast once revered masters (other than Mitose) in a bad light. They hold some get together or "gathering" and say they'll give you the information if you show up there. Of course these "Hoot-N-Annies" charge a fee for attendance. Don't hold your breath cause it ain't gonna happen. So what else is new? But I can't reveal anymore than I have on line. However if you PM me I will be holding an auction and will tell the information to the highest bidder. The minimum bid will be roughly equivalent to the price of a new BMW 540 plus tax license, and insurance along with the cost of two weddings for mid-twenties daughters. John Bishop and Joe Shuras are not allowed to participate because they will keep the bidding artificially low. Lets start the bidding please, I've already purchased my driving gloves and tuxedo.
Doc said:
Once about every half decade or so, someone who has hitched their credibility wagon to Mitose "threatens" to release the hidden "truth." They say the information will be "earth shattering" and will cast once revered masters (other than Mitose) in a bad light. They hold some get together or "gathering" and say they'll give you the information if you show up there. Of course these "Hoot-N-Annies" charge a fee for attendance. Don't hold your breath cause it ain't gonna happen. So what else is new? But I can't reveal anymore than I have on line. However if you PM me I will be holding an auction and will tell the information to the highest bidder. The minimum bid will be roughly equivalent to the price of a new BMW 540 plus tax license, and insurance along with the cost of two weddings for mid-twenties daughters. John Bishop and Joe Shuras are not allowed to participate because they will keep the bidding artificially low. Lets start the bidding please, I've already purchased my driving gloves and tuxedo.

Good one, Doc, good one!! I am really Laughing Out Loud right now!!! and I'm sure John Bishop is too!
Doc said:
Once about every half decade or so, someone who has hitched their credibility wagon to Mitose "threatens" to release the hidden "truth." They say the information will be "earth shattering" and will cast once revered masters (other than Mitose) in a bad light. They hold some get together or "gathering" and say they'll give you the information if you show up there. Of course these "Hoot-N-Annies" charge a fee for attendance. Don't hold your breath cause it ain't gonna happen. So what else is new? But I can't reveal anymore than I have on line. However if you PM me I will be holding an auction and will tell the information to the highest bidder. The minimum bid will be roughly equivalent to the price of a new BMW 540 plus tax license, and insurance along with the cost of two weddings for mid-twenties daughters. John Bishop and Joe Shuras are not allowed to participate because they will keep the bidding artificially low. Lets start the bidding please, I've already purchased my driving gloves and tuxedo.
:bow: :roflmao:
Hi all,

The 17th annual gathering is not over and when it is Hanshi will be back in town.
So when I get some information I will be just as surprised as the rest.

I did not go to it and am not privy to the scoop.

I did hear that Kell will now be the official Historian for the west coast, I think if he has anything to give he will soon.

If you nice fellows are here just to snip then go for it.

You get ahold of old news and play it like it was fresh.

When you get something that is new, I would be glad to listen and participate.

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Hi all,

The 17th annual gathering is not over and when it is Hanshi will be back in town.
So when I get some information I will be just as surprised as the rest.

I did not go to it and am not privy to the scoop.

I did hear that Kell will now be the official Historian for the west coast, I think if he has anything to give he will soon.

If you nice fellows are here just to snip then go for it.

You get ahold of old news and play it like it was fresh.

When you get something that is new, I would be glad to listen and participate.

Regards, Gary

Hi Gary, we were promised information and are just anxiously waiting to hear. It's now Wednesday and nothing yet.

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