Heres some points to ponder(I'm sure that some of this stuff has already been said) 1- Mitose was by most accounts a pimp and by all accounts an extortionist and a murderer. Is it such a stretch to think that he may have told a fib or two about his martial background?
2- The Japanese are anal when it comes to keeping records. If sombody somewhere farts and a new system is created,even if it lasts only until his next bowel movement, it is written down. That said how come it's such a chore to find the necessary documentation to validate his claim. 20 plus generations--wheres the paperwork?
3- Hanshi is a tremendous practioner, a true master of his art, if he made it all up based on his time with Tracy Kenpo,Serrada Escrima,Kuntao Silat, Chi Ling Pai, and Tae Kwon Do and Mitoses' inspiration.Then accept that and move on.
The rest of this little missive meant to address some current Kai issues. As a life time member of the Kai and a person that has been around Hanshi and the Kosho Camp for roughly 15 to 18 years I feel I have the right to vent at least this once.
To answer "GojuGuy""(not me by the way), there is a certain amount of unrest in the Kai. A west coast Shihan(MB) turned his belt in before the Kosho Summit in Lake George NY. Jeff Driscoll turned his into Hanshi the night before the East Coast Gathering. In between Dave Lopriore didn't turn his belt in but quit altogether. Other Kai members on the East Coast have either quit or have distanced themselves over what they feel is undue financial burdens placed on them. I have decided to distance myself from the Kai because of what I feel is inappropriate and unBudolike behavior on the part of Hanshi and several of the Shihans. Specifically the treatment of Jeff Driscoll and Carl Long. For those of you that are aware of the situation you know what I mean. For those of you that are not call me (570)875-4838 or email me at Don't bother to run to Hanshi and tell on me I have already discussed this with him.
I've chosen to vent at this time because at the Gathering this past weekend my name came up as someone trying to cause trouble. I was quite content to follow the course of action I chose and leave the squabble to everyone else. But since my desire to be left alone wasn't honored I guess I'll wade in just this once. Please don't tell me about the martial saints we all know love and train with. I've been doing this for 36 years and can tell you that masters past present and future all have feet of clay to some degree. So save all your indignation for someone else. I've been around long enough to know where the bodies are buried.
This is my only posting so I will not be on to debate you. I have left my name and contact information, call me for a resonable discussion.
PS: The big news at the Gathering:
"Uncle" Larry is the Bucho of sword arts
Tony Disarro is the Event Bucho
Mike Brown is the Cultural Arts and Reishiki Bucho
Rick Wilmont is the Public Relations Bucho
That is all. Later.......................................................Cook