Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo

Hi Joe,

I like your post very honest, I have to say one thing. Go ask the 22nd GGMaster.

If he is willing to take the title then he should be the one to explain it.

Am I wrong or ????

Thank's for the clairification.

Regards, Gary
Yes Kel,
Maybe it was the heir, :ultracool but I thought it was the hair, that was being talked about. Nice save, wish I could fall back on it, but that would be like falling on my Gatka, (stick).

I will go on the hunt somemore, but I might come up empty handed. :idunno:
If my glass is half full or half empty, no not the same but it did come to mind.
Lateral boy here.:rolleyes: G.....
Thanks, Gary.

Gary posted: I like your post very honest, I have to say one thing. Go ask the 22nd GGMaster.

I say: Gary, I thought that is what we have all been doing since we started this thread and others for months now! Didn't the Kai members on this forum make numerous phone calls and e-mails to the 22nd Grandmaster asking such questions, more or less the three I mentioned earlier? If his own people haven't been 'trusted' with the answers then how the heck is he going to entrust them to us? I know, 'secret squirrel stuff'...........Let's face it Gary, as others have stated, it's never going to happen. I give up...... I do sincerely give credit to Shihan Mike Brown of the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai whom I have a great deal of respect for and who has provided me with much information that I have shared with all of you but like I was asked recently and agree with on the San Jose Kenpo Forum-'we need to see the documentation'!
prof joe
i like and respect your honesty. but let's face facts......this documentation may never be shown or exist at all. is it going to change how you teach your martial arts to your students, or make your students trust you any less? i dont think so.
i agree on a point that doc did make........and i am para-phrasing, not repeating verbatim, but i hope i am conveying the essence of his words...it is important to be judged on your actions now, not on the actions of the men that precede you; when you step on the mat, a student sees and hears only what is in front of him at that moment, your actions and words should speak for themselves.
I do sincerely believe that not every martial art handed down from family member to family member is not documented in japan, and i would think to believe that is silly...
but i am not going to base my beliefs or what i teach on some documentation that may never appear.
i will however teach the densho as it has been taught to me until it is proven otherwise, again, i use the word "proven". not having documentation proves nothing other than the fact it has not been documented. does this make me foolish? maybe, but millions around the world believe in things with no proof.
i know what my skills are......and i think i know the difference between right and wrong, and ultimately thats what matters.
pieces of paper that hang on our walls proudly mean nothing. be the zen teacher that burns the sacred scrolls on a cold night to keep warm.
pride is what is really at stake here for a lot of people, pride in having "real" history and legitimacy.
if that doesnt happen, then are we a bunch of people waving our hands around in the air because some guy made it all up, and his student was taught in a dream?
i guess so........the whole legend of kosho is that the first guy had someone come to him in a dream and teach him "true self defense".
what a bunch of malarky, eh?

Can you prostitute yourself as a person and not your art? If you are plagued with financial problems(an overspending wife, the IRS,etc,to site some examples) is there a way to suck money from the rank and file and still keep the integrity of your art. If you can how much of a strain does it put on you and those closest to you? If you have to make a choice when worlds colide where does your giri lie? Perhaps the answers to these will clear up all the controversy on this thread...................................W
Hi all,

I went to the vivisimo search engine, typed in 22nd Great Grand Master Kosho, the query brought up the name of Thomas Mitose and had more for him under that title, I did not check out all of the websites or the information that was there, but like I say, I think GGMThomas Mitose is considered the 22nd and Hanshi Bruce is the root master.

Watcher, sounds like you are off on the wrong foot, I don't know how far you are going with this but, I would be very careful with this information you are trying to disclose or imply. Just my open thoughts, same as yours.

Regards, Gary
As far as Hanshi and the money

All I can tell you is the gathering is very reasonable priced ($200 for the weekend, and usally you can get a deal). There are instructors there from a variety of the MA"s. Compared to the other camps I've been to it is one of a kind.
Shawn stated: prof joe
i like and respect your honesty. but let's face facts......this documentation may never be shown or exist at all. is it going to change how you teach your martial arts to your students, or make your students trust you any less? i dont think so.

I say: Shawn, and I respect your position but my point seems to be continually missed on this subject. I would like to make it once and for all totally clear for the record. I only requested this information for historical use only. History is not only one of my hobbies but as I stated again and again, I just would also like to have the proper information when my students ask. And for the last time, it has nothing to do in what I teach, what you teach or what anyone else teaches, it's just getting the right handle on the history of our lineage. That's it! No hidden agendas, no hangups, no other motive. As far as you stating the documentation may never be shown or EXIST than that would mean we've been lied too. I have been told it exists, many on this forum have been told it exists, the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai told me it exits of which I have e-mails and have posted information from on this forum, so my question is, what gives?
The Kai said:
As far as Hanshi and the money

All I can tell you is the gathering is very reasonable priced ($200 for the weekend, and usally you can get a deal). There are instructors there from a variety of the MA"s. Compared to the other camps I've been to it is one of a kind.

Agreed Todd, sounds very reasonable to me also.
GAB said:
Hi all,

I went to the vivisimo search engine, typed in 22nd Great Grand Master Kosho, the query brought up the name of Thomas Mitose and had more for him under that title, I did not check out all of the websites or the information that was there, but like I say, I think GGMThomas Mitose is considered the 22nd and Hanshi Bruce is the root master.

Watcher, sounds like you are off on the wrong foot, I don't know how far you are going with this but, I would be very careful with this information you are trying to disclose or imply. Just my open thoughts, same as yours.

Regards, Gary

On the lighter side, Gary, for a few laughs here. I would never want to be called a 'root master', LOL, I don't know all the slang used on the west coast but back here in the east, 'root master' has a different meaning! LOL. You owe an apology to Hanshi! LOL.
Karazenpo said:
Shawn stated: prof joe
i like and respect your honesty. but let's face facts......this documentation may never be shown or exist at all. is it going to change how you teach your martial arts to your students, or make your students trust you any less? i dont think so.

I say: Shawn, and I respect your position but my point seems to be continually missed on this subject. I would like to make it once and for all totally clear for the record. I only requested this information for historical use only. History is not only one of my hobbies but as I stated again and again, I just would also like to have the proper information when my students ask. And for the last time, it has nothing to do in what I teach, what you teach or what anyone else teaches, it's just getting the right handle on the history of our lineage. That's it! No hidden agendas, no hangups, no other motive. As far as you stating the documentation may never be shown or EXIST than that would mean we've been lied too. I have been told it exists, many on this forum have been told it exists, the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai told me it exits of which I have e-mails and have posted information from on this forum, so my question is, what gives?
It seemsd if you are banging the drum about your history/lineage you gotta back it up. To play on it, then when the questions get to hot say - well it does'nt matter is kinda a cop out
Hi Joe,

Well I guess some words do get twisted, and used for different meanings:idunno:

Joe, whatever do you mean?:ultracool Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Hi Joe,

Well I guess some words do get twisted, and used for different meanings:idunno:

Joe, whatever do you mean?:ultracool Regards, Gary

Well, Gary, way back in the 70's when Fred Villari founded United Studios of Self Defense, he was listed as the 'Headmaster', needless to say, that term is no longer used out here either!, LOL. So take it from there! LOL. Hey Dave, I guess 'root master' can be used in that way also but I guess you know what I was thinking as to how I've heard it used out here! LOL.
all i have to say is that there are plenty of martial arts schools out there with questionable backgrounds, teachers, founders, lineage........its not a cop out.....lots of guys through out history have inflated their story a wee bit to make their brand seem more appealing. i like what i study right now, history be damned, and i am sure a lot of other practitioners feel the same way.
sure i would like to know the truth.....but in the end, it doesnt change what is happening at this moment, only the story.

BlackCatBonz said:
all i have to say is that there are plenty of martial arts schools out there with questionable backgrounds, teachers, founders, lineage........its not a cop out.....lots of guys through out history have inflated their story a wee bit to make their brand seem more appealing.


Yep, there's a lot of that going on.
Hi David,

Like I have said before, if you are going to use the quote, use the whole quote.
Otherwise, I don't believe it is correct procedure.

Obviously you don't feel it is incorrect, so lets check with the people who view these posts.

What is the thought pattern on this board?:idunno:

Regards, Gary:uhyeah:
Oh come on we don't need to quote entire posts. That would mean it would be impossible to take things out of context. What fun would that be?


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