Kenpo Technical Forum

I copied it to the Computer forum. There are probably have fewer people reading the IT/Computer forum than even the Kenpo Technical one, so I would like to leave the original post here also.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

give it time. We'll either get used to it or eventually one or the other will die.


Gonna die? I'm gonna quote Master Tracy on this one. He said not too far back, "I plan to live forever!":D
I dont see it dieing out. It still gets a bit of traffic, and we will be moving/copying technical threads from general to there on occasion. While this does create duplicate posts, the ones we copy into the tech forum are paired down to just he meat of the thread. I apreciate the idea of keepingthings simplier, but we've seen alot of folks reading that forum, even if they dont post there.

Look at it another way....we're building 1 of the largest kenpo reference libraries on the net, 1 post at a time. :)
Originally posted by Michael Billings

I copied it to the Computer forum. There are probably have fewer people reading the IT/Computer forum than even the Kenpo Technical one, so I would like to leave the original post here also.


Hey downloaded 1.1 !! Im happy with it so far! a lot better then IE in my opinion and I like the built in newsgroups, wonder if there are any Kenpo newsgroups??
Originally posted by Michael Billings

I copied it to the Computer forum. There are probably have fewer people reading the IT/Computer forum than even the Kenpo Technical one, so I would like to leave the original post here also.

Thanks! I'm sure people will find it helpful.
I still believe that the kenpo forums aren't as slammin' as they
used to be. IMO the split has something to do with it. Just mine.
What has changed? Not nearly as many users on line at the same time and threads go much longer without the same volume of replies.

Been wondering that myself... I've seen a fair number of visitors, but it seems the last week or so has been more read than write.

Boards go thru cycles though... I haven't noticed any real difference on the other forums I monitor regularly. Hows Kenponet fairing volume wise? Seems like theres been abit more traffic there lately.

there's been more posts, but not a lot of on topic posts on kenponet.

Personally, I'd like to see the two kenpo forums put back together. its just easier that way, and there's so much overlap between general kenpo and technical kenpo...for example... a general comment about a tournament turns into a technical sparring discussion, and stuff like that.
Based on a few requests to recombine the 2 forums, I took a good look at them again today.

The technical forum is just that...need a breakdown or info on something, its there, 95% meat, little fat. In the technical forum, 21 threads have been active this month.

I then took a look at the General forum...of the first 20 threads, only 2 are technical...the rest more 'community oriented'. The general forum is more relaxed, kick back, and chatlike. General had 49 active threads this month.

I do not expect the technical forum to compete in volume with the general forum. Thats not its purpose. We realize that the tech forum has about 10% the postings of the general, however it does fufill its mission to be a technical reference library for those who only want the meat, not the frosting.

Based on the activity, the traffic I've seen when scanning the forum, and the distinctive differences in the 2 forums, we're going to keep them seperate.

I truely apreciate the effort everyone has put into filling this area with both content, and a friendly feeling. I think its the success of the Kenpo area overall, that has allowed us to create a technical reference. No other forum here has the traffic, or the amount of technique discussions as here. I hope that next year, when we start rolling out the video section, that there will be a heavy Kenpo presence too. :)

Thank you.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
yada yada snip....

Based on the activity, the traffic I've seen when scanning the forum, and the distinctive differences in the 2 forums, we're going to keep them seperate.

This is a tough call really... Personally I think split is better with one caveat; now we have two forums to peruse. I kind of liked it better as one rather than two though the two makes more sense from an organizational point of view. Either way, I still think you guys are doing a great job :)

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
That may be an interesting concept......


Oh great, Mr. Conatser wants to be "Don King" of the Kenpo World...........:rolleyes:
I haven't been here long enough to compare the kenpo forum pre & post split.

I can say that I read daily the tech. forum, but rarely post. Usually the techniques discussed are EPAK or Tracy, which I don't study. Then the step-by-step is posted. Usually I find that someone who is online at work or whatever gets my idea across before I think it :D regarding the finer points. (I'm gonna kick you with this foot on that side of your face, and there ain't a thing you can do about it). Anyway, I do read both forums and kinda like the idea we get two when everyone else has one :boing1:

I am surprised not to see more discussion on weapon use- do other kenpo schools not use weapons as much?
I guess I'm getting used to the two seperate areas. It still seems that the technical section still is far behind the General section.

I have been thinking about it quite a bit. Technical seems to have narrowed itself down to specifically a "Technique" forum. If I am not mistaken, the chat room to some extent allows real time answers to some of these qustions.

We may need to bring some of the chatroom content onto the Technical side of the Kenpo Forum, especially when it is a qustion & answer with one of the Seniors or New Seniors. Another idea is re-define what is technical and what is not. Heck, most of Dennis Conatser's Q&A is technical, as are Doc's posts about SL-4. Do we move those over to balance the traffic? I read them all, but seldom post on the technical side, unless I get a strong urge. I want to visit and discuss things here that may not belong in my school or with my students per se. I don't mind them hearing it, I just don't want to take away from their learning time by my ranting or raving about Associations, Agenda's, and Seniors, or some such thing.


P.S. - I believe that you should not bring problems forward unless you are willing to try to bring reasonable solutions forward also. This is difficult at times, especially the reasonable part.
I have been a long time member. One of the first 150 I believe. Just not a big poster.

I like the 2 forums. I like the idea of working out a technique. I also think that with the tech forum, just the idea of it being technical keeps it more on track with each thread. I dont mind the joking/kidding, but I like to be able to read from post to post and have a better organized thread for digesting technical information.


Originally posted by JD_Nelson
I have been a long time member. One of the first 150 I believe.

Yes, number 135!

Thanks to all for the comments and suggestions. For particular threads, we can move them--even split off parts of them--on request. That might help with specific threads e.g. the Q&A thread.

-MT Admin-

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