European Kenpo

  • Thread starter Thread starter jleonardusa
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Of course then there was also Raul Guttierez, who came from Arturuo Petits tutelage, and was the first director of the IKKA in Spain (and one of the first in Europe also) until the late 70's - early 80's when he changed to Mitose Kenpo, if I have my info correctly.

To put it simply, there are a lot of people that we can partially credit for the expansion of Kenpo throughout Europe. The great thing is, in the past few years, there have been Kenpo schools opening up all around the world, from Kenya to New Zealand and all sorts of countries in between. Its finally expanding on a worldwide basis, and pioneering Kenpoists are pushing to open up in more countries.

This art has a strong community, and it seems that the politics and bad blood that were ruining the art for many years are diminishing somewhat. Personally I hope it continues that way, and that we can eventually be a truly global community, able to travel almost anywhere in the world and meet up with brothers and sisters in the art.

In Kenpo,

James Leonard

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