Kenpo/Kempo : Possible Forum Split - Please read and Comment

Should the Kenpo/Kempo forum be divided?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don't care

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As far as i knew kenpo/kempo are the same thing, dosent the translation of both word mean the same thing, why should they be split, I also dont see a reason to split tracy and parker from eachother, although different styles technically, the same comcepts are taught, the technique each learn may be different but that should not matter, a tracy black belt will be able to look at a same level parker black belt and understand whats he doing, and vice versa, why split this up, stay more interesting if we keep it how it is in my opinion.
I don't think the forum should be split. It would over complicate things and create more online cliques. I don't wanna get on a forum that everyone agrees on. Nothing new would be there, and nothing possible to be learned!


Billy Lear
Originally posted by Drunken Master

I feel that keeping it the way it is will make for a more interesting discussion forum.

If everything is split out into strict sections there will just be a lot of the same people with the same views agreeing with each other.

I agree.
Don't split us up, guys! I for one would find it difficult to keep up with all that is going on, as my background encompasses the Tracy, Parker and Ryukyu systems. This is the only place I know of where I can come for an intelligent communication without insults or stupidity flying all over the place, and I can keep contact with all 3 areas.
Originally posted by D.Cobb

Don't split us up, guys! I for one would find it difficult to keep up with all that is going on, as my background encompasses the Tracy, Parker and Ryukyu systems. This is the only place I know of where I can come for an intelligent communication without insults or stupidity flying all over the place, and I can keep contact with all 3 areas.

Yeah what he said (and I'm just a Parker kenpo guy)



Originally posted by Blindside

If you really see the need to split it then split it in two:

1) kenpo- general (politics, thoughts, whatever)
2) kenpo- technical (covering forms, techs, etc)

I really don't see the need for a third forum about camps and seminars. There just aren't that many of them.


This would be a good split I think, the community/family is currently dealing with alot of politics right now and it would serve us better IMHO to separate technical aspects from others.
Keep voting guys. We got 24 votes in so far. Tell your friends about the poll and get em to sign up!

I wanna see 100+ Kenpoists on here! (and 100 votes too :))

To everyone who has posted, and voted, thank you for taking the time to reply. I want this to be the -best- place for Kenpo online, and I can't do it without your feedback.

Thank you!

I feel that their should be another category added; such as Derviative Offshoots; this area would cover all newer derivative tracy/parker ryu which do not offer instruction in the parker or tracy systems. Yet, they can trace their respective lineages back to either or both, because all roads basically lead back to mitose and chow. These systems would not include Kara Ho, Shorinji, etc,. They would include the more recent derivations that employ concepts and methods from the american kenpo, tracy kenpo, shaolin kenpo, and okinawan kempo, etc, systems! To name a few; Valadez Ryu Kenpo, Kiyojute Ryu Kempo Bugei, Dragon Kenpo, Shorinkenjutsu Kenpo, Chinese Chu'an Fa/ Quan Fa, etc,. This would give the practitioners of these systems some place to discuss their forms, techniques, kata; as the parker/tracy guys are already represented here in their discussions of long form 4, short form 2 etc,. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
I voted don't care, not because I don't care, but don't know.

If you start to split up, you'll have to start thinking about splitting up karate, or Aikido that have many different styles. And again maybe not. If people have problems with it, then a split may help, and if they don't leave it. But I like a red thread in things , so if you do one thing in one forum , I preferr it done other places too.

Hi everyone, this is my first post here.
I am new to and a novice at message boards in general.

Regarding the split. I am really interested in American Kenpo as developed by Ed Parker. I'm also interested in Events and if there is a separate events category, then we might pick up some of the traffic that used to go to

I assume the proposed divisions are based on the traffic. I would say tell us what the traffic looks like and maybe we can chime in.

If the
General, Technique, Events...
split is the way it looks, that is OK with me, but I'm not sure how the General and Tech parts would differ.

I'd like to be able to find a place to go to regarding American Kenpo but the current Kenpo/Kajukenbo division seems to be OK.

Separating the events might be cool especially if a calendar is involved.

I don't know that even I would ask for a distinct Parker section, because as much as it irriates me to see some of the info/propaganda from other styles, it is nice to see it and I like knowing it is out there. It is easy enough to scan a topic/thread and see if it is of interest to me, and it broadens my horizons.

So don't split the "style" split the content. Maybe a division like

Maybe those 3 are kind of how I think of it. I would scan all 3 myself anyway but it may help me look for and find stuff easier. I will go ahead and vote for a split based on this idea.

Thanks. I was referred here and it is like going to Disneyland. I see a lot I want to do and so far it all has turned out very cool.

This is a great site.

No thank you. I just signed up on the weekend and have spent alot of time reading through everything. I'm most fascinated just with the fact that a site has been created let alone so many people are on it.

As to the split.... No. Let's keep the kenpo family together. My instructor teaches us like a family and that's how we should look at it.

"not always a functional family but we know were our roots are!!!"

Originally posted by Rob_Broad

I think the Kempo stuff should be moved to a Okinawan forum since the art is mainly that of the Ryu Kyu island region.

I would also like to see the split between the Ed Parker/American Kenpo and the Tracy Kenpo. With possibly a sub category in each for specific up coming events.

The idea of some sub sections for technical material in the 2 kenpo groups could possibly be beneficial.

I agree Rob on his idea for the split!
One of the things I just noted the other night was that I all of a sudden thought about what was going on in the style of Karate i Took when i was just a kid (shorin ryu). I went to that board and started checking some of the messages out. There was one Whole thread there about which was which. Turns out that There are now a whole whack of different styles due to the splits that i lost count. (heck i even lost interest in looking)

As I mentioned in a diffrent post I would like to see a seperate sub catagory set up for the Kajukenbo people.
keep the Tracy and Parker groups togeather, if you want a sub catagory, for the many breakaway groups fine.
On the Kajukenbo idea I realise some people considerate it to not be a Kenpo/kempo group others do. Not sure where else it should be located.
Well, Kaith-

Welcome to the divisive world of Kenpo/Kempo!!!

The art which bridges the gulf between Karate and Kung Fu. I say if you are going to make a split- make it TECHNICAL/ NON-TECHNICAL. I'm probably going to get alot of flak for saying this, but in the bigger picture there are more similarities between the various Kenpo/ Kempo styles than there are differences- especially between the Parker-Tracy lineage.

It's almost like trying to distinguish between Tang Soo Do, Tae Kwon Do, Chung Do Kwan, Moo Duk Kwan- YES there ARE differences, but in the BIGGER picture they are minor differences. Purists are gonna get real miffed at that statement, but it is true.

I say keep it all together- diversity is one of the many spices of life. There is ALWAYS gonna be a Parker guy who thinks his style is better than a Tracy guy, vice-versa, and the Okinawan practicioners are gonna have their reasons for being superior, the Shaolin Kenpo folk are gonna have their two cents, Kajukenbo folk are gonna chime in- it's all great! We ain't never gonna all get along- BIG FAT FREEKIN HAIRY-ASSED DEAL!!

I respect anyone who can teach me something, AND I love the Kenpo/ Kempo arts (ALL of them)- there's nothing wrong with the arts, it's just some of the practitioners who have burrs in their saddle.

Put us all in the same room, and let us play and fight as always. We are never gonna change, and fragmentation solves nothing.

hello as i see this it would not be a good thing as to many people like to just read the topic and see what the kempo/kenpo world is up to if a split came the topic would be hard to follow.

kempo is kempo no matter what lineage it all has something great to offer.
in full respect .
How about a Russian Martial Arts section?

The System

whatever else fits........


Just an idea.