sorry if I rezzed this. I thought I saw a new reply and just went in with my view.
No problem.

I had actually forgotten about this thread, and thought I was seeing things when I saw it again.
I didn't read the whole thread lol, but figured I would post my thoughts. the direction of my post was more toward what I hear generally when the topic comes up, not necessarily what was on here lol : ) so my bad on that haha : )
I think it's good to check out what other arts focus on, how they handle various situations, and for inspiration on what others have already done the road work on.
I'm not sure how "Kenpo specific" my ground work would look, having wrestled for some time back in the day and having a bit of exposure to BJJ. generally lots of claws, eye gouges, pinchers, bites, my goal is to get away, escape safely. I guess my point was more addressing when I've seen some martial artists talk about "self defense", end up on the ground, or execute a takedown, then jump into some extensive guard passing and then hyperextend limbs or work a choke while on the ground. I would want to spend the least amount of time as possible on the ground, get up and get away basically. I see your point though, if I hadn't wrestled my perspective would be different, or at least my skill set.
Just to clarify *my* views on the ground. My apologies if I wasnt clear. I'm certainly not suggesting that we turn the ground into a 30min UFC Gracie hug-fest.

My goal when learning the ground game, is simply the basics. Nothing fancy, not interested in learning 50 ways to pass guard. My goal is find a handful of escapes, counters, locks, chokes, etc., drill the hell out of them, repeatedly, and go with that. Of course, the goal is to get back up....I'm the first one to say that.

Just learn enough to survive, until you can get up. I'm not interested in looking for a submission, but, if an arm presents itself, sure, I'd take it and hopefully go for a break, and get the hell back to my feet. LOL.
Of course, while drilling a specific escape, say from the guard, yes, I'm looking for ways to fit my Kenpo in. All the nasty things, ie: the bites, pinches, gouges, and so on. But, in addition to those, I want to have a plan b, in the event the 'nasty' stuff isnt working or I'm not able to apply it to its fullest.