Kenpo Yahoo
I've had the chance to work with a few FMA guys in the past and they seem to have a far greater understanding of the knife defenses than we do. They have their fair share of crap just like any system, but they also have alot of good material too. The Sayocs seem to be the big names in FMA Blade work right now. They explore a concept that they refer to as "bad hand." It's one of those concepts that after they explain it, you kinda go,"well duh.... why didn't I think of that?" It was something that made me change the way I look at knife defenses completely. Well, that and having Mr. Mills and Mr. Wheaton rip me to pieces during a knife seminar (luckily for me it was a foam trainer). However, had it been real I would have been mince meet, because I was unable to control the blade hand, which is hard to do if you can't get to the elbow.