Jeff Speakman's Kenpo Camp 2003


Purple Belt
Fellow Kenpoists,

Just wanted to see if any fellow MartialTalk members would be attending Mr. Speakman's International Kenpo Camp coming up in June?

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh
i had to choose between that one and the homecoming camp in pasadena. California here i come, even though vegas will be a necessary stress relieving stop.

I understand your choice... that is going to be a once and a lifetime event!!!

Thanks for your reply. Good journey!

Joshua Ryer
Originally posted by Eggman
i had to choose between that one and the homecoming camp in pasadena. California here i come, even though vegas will be a necessary stress relieving stop.

i always find vegas stress inducing because i lose all of my money :D
Is it still going on? Rumor has is that the AKKS has been
disolved by Mr Speakman himself. Just a rumor though.
Originally posted by Kirk
Is it still going on? Rumor has is that the AKKS has been
disolved by Mr Speakman himself. Just a rumor though.


Good day! I am not sure what is going on behind the scenes, but I spoke with Mr. Heins just yesterday to sign-up for the camp in Vegas and they are expecting a great turnout!

Personally, I have not been to the camp since the first one in Baltimore, so I am really excited and pumped to train. Any event, in my mind, that brings fellow Kenpoists together is a great event!

Joshua Ryer
Originally posted by True2Kenpo
Personally, I have not been to the camp since the first one in Baltimore, so I am really excited and pumped to train. Any event, in my mind, that brings fellow Kenpoists together is a great event!

Joshua Ryer

No argument there!!!!! :asian:

I'm going to be up in your area from July 31st to Aug. 11th ... hope
to be able to stop by and workout with you guys. My cousin just
got a full ride at U of Pitt .. I'm going to bring him with me .. see if
I can't "turn him on" to kenpo ... hopefully he'll be a student of
Originally posted by Kirk
No argument there!!!!! :asian:

I'm going to be up in your area from July 31st to Aug. 11th ... hope
to be able to stop by and workout with you guys. My cousin just
got a full ride at U of Pitt .. I'm going to bring him with me .. see if
I can't "turn him on" to kenpo ... hopefully he'll be a student of


It would be great to have you (and your cousin) train with us when you visit the Pittsburgh area. We would be honored to have guests and possibly a new student!

Just to note though that the first weekend July 31st- August 4th, we will be attending the IKC's in Boston, but the following weekend will be perfect! Please feel free to shoot me an e-mail at if you have questions as the time draws near.

In anycase, I hope all is well and wish you the very best sir! Good journey.

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh
Will be there Sat and Sun. Hope to meet you all and train. Also a posible AKKS camp next year on the east coast!
Dave G
Bring back any news they have about Mr. Speakman and the AKKS in general please.

There are lots of rumors. I am curious to hear what is up.

Especially with Mr. Speakman's website and video series.

Please. :D

Thank you.
Originally posted by cdhall
Bring back any news they have about Mr. Speakman and the AKKS in general please.

There are lots of rumors. I am curious to hear what is up.

Especially with Mr. Speakman's website and video series.

Please. :D

Thank you.

From an insiders point of the AKKS. The AKKS is not going anywhere. I currently train at a school in which Mr. Brian Heins is a Senior instructor. The camp is reported to be very large this year, our school alone is having about 15-20 people coming to the camp to train.
The AKKS is strong in it's membership and just like any other organization has it's flaws and moments of failure. But there is NO rumor that Mr. Speakman is dissolving the organization, the only place I hear this rumor is from people who are not in the AKKS (shrugs shoulders).
I will be happy to ask Mr. Speakman about a video series if he is developing one. The big AKKS rumor is a possible AKKS camp on the East Coast for those who can't get to Vegas.

Just what I heard from a little birdie.......
Originally posted by c2kenpo
the only place I hear this rumor is from people who are not in the AKKS (shrugs shoulders).

That's me. And the place I heard it from as well. I had heard that Mr. Speakman left the AKKS.

But regarding the video series...

When Mr. Speakman was here in December shooting A Promise Kept (kicking me into the air for during the belt promotion "scene" that was cut from the end credits) he told us (later during his seminar at Mr. Shroder's studio) that:

1. He was developing a DVD Series to go through the entire system with some special effects that would show the targets on the body and indicate what muscle, nerve and bone targets you were actually going for

2. He was developing a more general video series as well that would be in Target, Eckerds, everywhere and more like Tae Bo or something aimed at the general public

3. These were to be shot by Feb 2003

4. He was going to sell both at

5. He was also coming back to San Antonio to train some Police (in Jan/Feb 2003) and would be back in Austin for a seminar by now

If you can get an update on any of that from Mr. Speakman himself that would be great.

I will go to Kenpocamp next year if at all possible. I'm scared I may have missed it or something so I'll redouble my efforts to attend next year.

You can also email me privately, but I have put this video news up on it's own thread in the ProShop I think. Around Dec or Jan 2003. It should be there somewhere. And

6. See what is up with the AKKS Website, it has not been updated in almost a Year! What's up with that? I have been checking it frequently along with since December 2002 particularly to see if any of these items have been discussed. I also just now noticed that there are still no "official" photos from the 2002 Camp on either the AKKS site or the KenpoCamp site's own History section.

Good luck. Have fun. I'll be anxious to hear about the camp this year and whatever you might also have on any of these topics. Thanks in advance.
My Old Site
If you go here I think I put up a few pics that I took when I was out there last year...

Going to tear that site down though.
Need a new one on a fasterserver with no popups..and maybe more of a community page of different schools and a directory of training so to speak..

any ideas on a what the kenpo community needs for a website?

I will be sure to forward your questions to Mr.Speakman when I see him.

go to
Kenpo Camp and you can still register for camp.
Mr. Heins is still taking applications.
