Originally posted by c2kenpo
the only place I hear this rumor is from people who are not in the AKKS (shrugs shoulders).
That's me. And the place I heard it from as well. I had heard that Mr. Speakman left the AKKS.
But regarding the video series...
When Mr. Speakman was here in December shooting A Promise Kept (kicking me into the air for during the belt promotion "scene" that was cut from the end credits) he told us (later during his seminar at Mr. Shroder's studio) that:
1. He was developing a DVD Series to go through the entire system with some special effects that would show the targets on the body and indicate what muscle, nerve and bone targets you were actually going for
2. He was developing a more general video series as well that would be in Target, Eckerds, everywhere and more like Tae Bo or something aimed at the general public
3. These were to be shot by Feb 2003
4. He was going to sell both at
5. He was also coming back to San Antonio to train some Police (in Jan/Feb 2003) and would be back in Austin for a seminar by now
If you can get an update on any of that from Mr. Speakman himself that would be great.
I will go to Kenpocamp next year if at all possible. I'm scared I may have missed it or something so I'll redouble my efforts to attend next year.
You can also email me privately, but I have put this video news up on it's own thread in the ProShop I think. Around Dec or Jan 2003. It should be there somewhere. And
6. See what is up with the AKKS Website, it has not been updated in almost a Year! What's up with that? I have been checking it frequently along with jeffspeakman.com since December 2002 particularly to see if any of these items have been discussed. I also just now noticed that there are still no "official" photos from the 2002 Camp on either the AKKS site or the KenpoCamp site's own History section.
Good luck. Have fun. I'll be anxious to hear about the camp this year and whatever you might also have on any of these topics. Thanks in advance.