I often tell an odd ",an walks into a bar" joke at the beginning of kenpo seminars I teach. It goes, "This man walked into the bar, so I whipped our my .45 Colt Combat Commander, shoved the barrel in his mouth, breaking his teeth and tearing his lips as I pushed, then squeezed off a round, blowing out the back of his head and spattering blood and brains all over the wall behind him. What? What are you looking at? He shouldn't have walked into the bar!"
One of the first techniques we learn in yellow belt has us hacking a guy in the throat with a chop, because he placed his hand on our shoulder. Something in there about "as the attitude, so the response."
As JT said, yet we still train every day. Then again, and I think I've said this before in other posts/threads, but perhaps we should be able to shift on the fly, so to speak, and modify what we do. Instead of that hit to the throat, perhaps a backfist or open hand hit to the face instead. Then again, what about that kick to the groin in Delayed Sword? Hell, that has a throat shot and one to the groin.
Of course, many of us, myself included, have other tools in our toolbox, so we could attempt something less brutal such as a lock, but even that may not be a good option. Will it work? Will this guy feel any pain? Will we end up breaking something in the process?