I don't know what gives you the idea that I would wait around for someone to hit me. In my state (and most others I am sure) "Assault" is the making of a credible threat of violence and having the means and opportunity to carry it out. So I am assaulted before the first punch is thrown and so even a pre-emptive strike is self-defense when you have been assaulted.
Now if you know the guy is going to hit you do you need some fancy kempo technique?
We teach that the techniques are designed to get you out of bad situations - situations where you are surprised and must first survive the initial attack, single or multiple strikes. I look at most SKK techniques and I don't see any attempt to prevent or protect from follow-up strikes (please start another thread if you want to to discuss that!, its a great topic
), or to deal with the forward momentum/pressure and possibility of a grappling or take-down follow-up. So that is why I say a lot of kempo that is taught will not get you through the initial attack.
If your training puts you in control of the situation, in control of the attacker's ability to continue the attack, and in control of our own fear and adrenaline rush, then you should have the ability to control the amount of damage that you apply - anywhere from a control lock, to a knockout shot to a sensitive target, to a lethal strike or choke. if you have no control of the attacker and no control of yourself then your best option is to cause as much damage as possible as quikcly as possible and hope there are no witnesses or the County Prosecutor is on your side.
"hurt them bad and keep hurting them bad until they stop" this is what we teach in our Women's Self Defense classes since they are designed to be very short classes and the ladies have no time to develop a deeper level of skill required for more modulated (responsible and accountable) responses. It is our opinion that the legal system is much more likely to be lenient with a young woman who blinded a rapist than it would with a young man, a martial artist, who blinds or maims a guy in a street fight.
Big Picture : Self Defense is all about continuing your life the way you want to live it; and even if you survive an assault (and battery) if you have to get invovled with the legal system, well, who wants that in their life LOL??