As much as people try to say it.....EPAK really does not address the ground in anyway. Every instructor I have ever personally seen that addresses "how Kenpo works on the ground" (myself included) also has a background in some grappling and/or ground oriented art. I've yet to see someone who does EPAK with no other influences (Judo, Ju Jitsu, etc.) be able pull of anything even remotely worable on the ground.
As far as the other stuff like self-defense, knife work, offensive Kenpo etc. Yes "traditional" EPAK does address this. However, it varies from instructor to instructor and even then some of it has to be extrapolated through experimentation. 5.0 removes some of the experimentation necessary in some areas (and makes for more experimentation needed in others). It's a mixed bag so to speak.
Did I see ANYTHING new (to me) in 5.0? NO, not a blessed thing. However, I've got a broad spectrum of exposure in the martial arts...I've seen and trained alot of stuff at this point and have a TON of videos and books on several styles (EPAK, Muay Thai, BJJ, Ju Jitsu, Judo, Vee Arnis Jitsu, Jeet Kune Do, Dumog, Hapkido, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Wrestling, MMA, Catch-Wrestling, Kali, Aikido, Boxing, etc.). But I've shown the 5.0 stuff to several people I know in EPAK. There has been alot of "Whoa, I never saw that before" and "I would have never thought of that". If they are saying that, there is some merit to it. Sure, they could find the info elsewhere. But if it's info they didn't have does it matter if it came from an "established" system or a newer one?