Jeff Speakman and Kenpo 5.0

my teacher and ed worked together on projects, and through round ideas, and more, and i have trained with some of the first kenpo students, and i like what jeff is doing, he reminds me alot of ed, i did not know ed personally, but stories, books rare videos and old students, i see him as keeping in the spirit of kenpo, the one thing i don't like and only a little, is his take on grappling, it is true we need to know some of this to a point, but here is the thing, we are trying to fight them on there own ground, it can be done, but why, i think we should stay on our own ground with them, keep in the spirit of kenpo, this means pressure points, deadly strikes, bruise the liver, explode a bladder, stop the heart, take out the eyes, and there is a whole system on biting, this is kenpo ground, i look at it is they are trying to take my life when i get on the ground or break a joint, which means i may not be a martial artist any more, or if i am a crippled one, so the ground is deadly ground to me, not play time, it is war, and people die in war, my teacher always said fighting is war, if there going to knock you out, you knock them out, if they are going to break a bone you take something from them, eyes hearing, organ etc, and if they are going to permanently disable you, you take there life, these were the rules of war, sorry but if i go to the ground, it's deadly ground, if some of the grapplers start dying things will change, i do not say this lightly, i value humane life, and love martial arts and it brings me great peace, but it can't be forgotten wu shu-military tactics.
Looks good, Kenpo can use a ground game to be more all around but like someone mentioned; it is his version of Kenpo. In that BB magazine article or the issue before that wasn't there someone else in Kenpo who did something similar?
I have trained under Mr. Speakman for many years and now train under Mr. Pribble.I like the evolution of the system.It's not just throwing Bjj in the mix.It's solving the equation of the way people fight today.It always has been.