Kajukenbo or Kosho Ryu


More important than where he got his green belt would be...where did he get his sense of propriety in the arts? Near as I can tell, he didn't log on with an actual fact-finding agenda. Rather, to stir the poop bucket. I say...ignore da bum. Mr. Bowles would be a perfectly fine person to train under. And if he was really serious about it, he would have found a way to get Mr. Bowles to communicate.

Seems more an agitant, than a serious seeker.


No doubt. He seems to be related to Gary Brewer given his manner. Still curious about his claims of training.

More important than where he got his green belt would be...where did he get his sense of propriety in the arts? Near as I can tell, he didn't log on with an actual fact-finding agenda. Rather, to stir the poop bucket. I say...ignore da bum. Mr. Bowles would be a perfectly fine person to train under. And if he was really serious about it, he would have found a way to get Mr. Bowles to communicate.

Seems more an agitant, than a serious seeker.

It would've been nice to know what D. Hardman's beef was/is with GM Bowles, seems like there was more to this than just his black belt.
I studied with him before his break away from leeward. when he left i stayed in Leeward but so everybody knows Tony Bowles was a great teacher to me. He pushed me to my breaking point and when i had nothing left he pushed me a little bit harder. I owe part of my success in Kajukenbo to his teachings.
Can anyone out there give any kind of history on this guy Tony Bowles. Is he under Kajukenbo or Kosho Ryu? Who did he recieve his black belt from and what year?
I was training with Ed Louis in 80’s when Tony Bowles contacted him. He was in Hawaii working. Tony Bowles trained under Mitose system while in Hawaii in the 60’s but had no record of getting his black belt. He had extensive knowledge and eventually received his black belt from Ed Louis in Kajukenbo. He started a club in the San Diego area under the Leeward Kenpo banner But eventually sought recognition elsewhere as he wasn’t content being under Ed Louis.
I myself know for a fact that Grand Master Tony studied under Mitose as I am a former student of his, and know him and mama Linda personally. Grandmaster Tony is 100% legitimate and holds a legitimate title. If you doubt that or have anything to say about it, feel free to take it up with him. However at Bowles Kosho Ryu Kajukenbo , we "train to fight, fight to win, Bowles go for broke." Which you'll find out real quick.