Yep. Don't know why Tom would claim him as a black belt, if he didn't recognize him as one.
I know Tom, do you? No I wouldn't think that anyone who has ever hung around Tom is one of his black belts.
But I also wouldn't think Tom would let those accompanying him in public wear a black belt and his patch unless the rank was legitimate.
Actually I went up to 3rd degree under another instructor before I became one of Gary Forbach's students.
Of course I believe Sijo Emperado. I've had many, many conversations with him and know him very well. But I don't see what that has to do with this discussion about Tony's Kosho rank.
Who's "we". Let's see, you claim to have been a green belt in Kajukenbo? But you know all this for a fact? Or are you listening to some rumors and innuendo from some equally uninformed people?
Sure there are some people that have been promoted before their time or for political reasons? Welcome to the martial arts. Show me a martial art that doesn't have that, to one extent or another.
But again, what does this have to do with your question about Tony's rank and relationship with Kosho?
I think the people who answered you gave as honest a answer as they could. Whether it was 100% accurate, depends on their source of information.
If the member here who claimed to be Tony's former student told you what he was told when he was a student, then he's being honest. Who ever gave him the information may not have been totally honest with him. But their's no need to attack the member 's honesty here.
You know all this to be fact? From a reliable source? If you do, why the need to confirm it here with less reliable sources?
The first answer I gave you was to contact Tom or Tony to get your answer. Have you talked to either man? Not sent unanswered emails to their websites. Have you talked to them?
Nobody knows what the relationship between 2 people is except those 2 people. If it's that important to you, find a way to talk to Tom. He's not a hermit. Go to just about any tournament around the Bay area, and he'll be there. Or the big Kajukenbo events in Las Vegas. Although I will respect Tom's privacy and not give you his phone number, you could make some calls to his people and get in touch with him. I'm sure if someone was parading around misrepresenting themselves as his black belt, he'd want to clear up the misunderstanding.
OK, you need to vent your bitter feelings toward Kajukenbo again. Done. Now back to the topic of Tony Bowles rank in Kosho.
Don't know if his former student was mistaken, or was trying to say that Tom was a student of Joe Halbuna, which is true. Or that it is possible that Tony also got to train some with his teacher's teacher. But I've never heard Tony or any of his people claim that Tony was a Halbuna student.
After this post, I'm trying to understand what your intent is? You came on here asking for information on Tony Bowles. Very few people here know him, or even heard of him, so you got very little information. That doesn't make any of the members here dishonest. No one here is trying to hide anything. They just don't know, or their telling you the little they do know.
You said the reason you were looking for the information was because you were looking for a place to train. Well, your obviously not happy with the information you found, so don't train there. There are many other schools to choose from.
Your allowed to ask questions here, and people are allowed to give honest first hand experience answers.
We do not allow "fraud busting" here. And we do not allow any attacks on people or organizations based on rumor or innuendo.