Mostly Harmless
Hmmm.... Can't stand, can't breath, can't see....
...OK, how about brawling in a dark swimming pool at night, in the deep end. Like violent water polo with the lights out.
Actually, now that I stop to think, been there, done that.
In my defense I was young and drunk, fighting with my big brother. He was winning (no surprise, he was a champion wrestler in high school). So I just went straight to the bottom and grabbed onto these plastic cleaning hoses that were attached to the walls of the pool, and held my breath till he let go to go up for air. Then I swam to the other side got, out and escaped!
He was a great wrestler, but I could hold my breath for a long time back then!
You know, I wasn't such a good wrestler either, and now that I think of it, I used a similar strategy on the mat. If I was underneath and getting gassed, I was really good at working my way off the edge of the mat ....then getting a reset for a second chance. My standups, sit-outs, power-switches and rolls were fast! Don't know if the rules still work that way in the modern world. This was in the late 60's doing what they now call folkstyle. "Freestyle" wasn't even a thing in high school back then.
It's still pretty much the same, I think. I will say if you're standups, sit outs, power switches and rolls were on point, you were probably a better wrestler than you give yourself credit for.
I, on the other hand, was truly a mediocre wrestler.

Anyway, my self defense strategy is still awareness, avoidence, de-escalation ...and finally...when you screw up and get into a "situation" you can't handle (usually through your own ego) ...escape, escape, escape!
One thing comes to mind, though. You and I, and I suspect most others on this forum, would never find ourselves in either role of that video in the OP. While I certainly would be the MMA guy who just decks a foolish drunk, I can't imagine ever being the foolish drunk, either.