Joe Schilling, Pro Kickboxer/MMA Fighter knocked out bar patron, claims self defense

Hmmm.... Can't stand, can't breath, can't see....

...OK, how about brawling in a dark swimming pool at night, in the deep end. Like violent water polo with the lights out. :D

Actually, now that I stop to think, been there, done that. :facepalm:

In my defense I was young and drunk, fighting with my big brother. He was winning (no surprise, he was a champion wrestler in high school). So I just went straight to the bottom and grabbed onto these plastic cleaning hoses that were attached to the walls of the pool, and held my breath till he let go to go up for air. Then I swam to the other side got, out and escaped!

He was a great wrestler, but I could hold my breath for a long time back then! ;)

You know, I wasn't such a good wrestler either, and now that I think of it, I used a similar strategy on the mat. If I was underneath and getting gassed, I was really good at working my way off the edge of the mat ....then getting a reset for a second chance. My standups, sit-outs, power-switches and rolls were fast! Don't know if the rules still work that way in the modern world. This was in the late 60's doing what they now call folkstyle. "Freestyle" wasn't even a thing in high school back then.

It's still pretty much the same, I think. I will say if you're standups, sit outs, power switches and rolls were on point, you were probably a better wrestler than you give yourself credit for.

I, on the other hand, was truly a mediocre wrestler. :)

Anyway, my self defense strategy is still awareness, avoidence, de-escalation ...and finally...when you screw up and get into a "situation" you can't handle (usually through your own ego) ...escape, escape, escape!

One thing comes to mind, though. You and I, and I suspect most others on this forum, would never find ourselves in either role of that video in the OP. While I certainly would be the MMA guy who just decks a foolish drunk, I can't imagine ever being the foolish drunk, either.
Hmmm.... Can't stand, can't breath, can't see....

...OK, how about brawling in a dark swimming pool at night, in the deep end. Like violent water polo with the lights out. :D

Actually, now that I stop to think, been there, done that. :facepalm:

In my defense I was young and drunk, fighting with my big brother. He was winning (no surprise, he was a champion wrestler in high school). So I just went straight to the bottom and grabbed onto these plastic cleaning hoses that were attached to the walls of the pool, and held my breath till he let go to go up for air. Then I swam to the other side got, out and escaped!

He was a great wrestler, but I could hold my breath for a long time back then! ;)

You know, I wasn't such a good wrestler either, and now that I think of it, I used a similar strategy on the mat. If I was underneath and getting gassed, I was really good at working my way off the edge of the mat ....then getting a reset for a second chance. My standups, sit-outs, power-switches and rolls were fast! Don't know if the rules still work that way in the modern world. This was in the late 60's doing what they now call folkstyle. "Freestyle" wasn't even a thing in high school back then.

Anyway, my self defense strategy is still awareness, avoidence, de-escalation ...and finally...when you screw up and get into a "situation" you can't handle (usually through your own ego) ...escape, escape, escape!

I appreciate you sharing your experience, I'll have to try that pool technique sometime. However, my quote was from Terry Silver from Karate Kid III.
Most people know the deal. People in their 40's and and over couldn't get away with this stuff as a kid. Or maybe it was just in my home lol.
They arent doing it right, you dont square up to them, you just pop your arm out and stop before it hits them.

Also, do any of these videos contain the actual scene without a age restriction on youtube? Cant access it if its age restricted

Just found it in your previous post, yeah its a duious claim at that. All he did was square up, a push or a single punch maybe but that ehaviour isnt unknown of. If they claimed "was going to headbutt me" anyway.

Seems pretty common for people in disputes to do that, either intetionally or not.
One thing comes to mind, though. You and I, and I suspect most others on this forum, would never find ourselves in either role of that video in the OP. While I certainly would be the MMA guy who just decks a foolish drunk, I can't imagine ever being the foolish drunk, either.
This was supposed to read, "While I certainly would never be the guy who just decks a foolish drunk..." I missed an important word in there. Point is, I don't think many people who post regularly here get into a lot of bar fights.
This was supposed to read, "While I certainly would never be the guy who just decks a foolish drunk..." I missed an important word in there. Point is, I don't think many people who post regularly here get into a lot of bar fights.
While I knew what you meant, I had more fun reading it the way you actually wrote it.
This was supposed to read, "While I certainly would never be the guy who just decks a foolish drunk..." I missed an important word in there. Point is, I don't think many people who post regularly here get into a lot of bar fights.
I dont think most people can defend themselves or home - real world. No choice. From riding a bus or even work. Or having a beer or doing karokee. You have no real opinion if you have not experienced something its just talk.
I fully support those people who choose to identify as something science doesn't actually support the existence of.

Live your best life.
Science more then supports it they coined the term. Pack leader. Strongest and Smartest. Its a given. Most beta disagree.
I fully support those people who choose to identify as something science doesn't actually support the existence of.

Live your best life.
An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who imposes his will on others, not the other way round. Other men want to be him, women want to be with him. An alpha male intimidates, he's unquestionably in charge, no matter what the situation. An alpha male is loud, brash, doesn't care what anybody else thinks

few scientists would want the knowledge they aren't Alpha. Science is theoretical not factual.
An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who imposes his will on others, not the other way round. Other men want to be him, women want to be with him. An alpha male intimidates, he's unquestionably in charge, no matter what the situation. An alpha male is loud, brash, doesn't care what anybody else thinks

few scientists would want the knowledge they aren't Alpha. Science is theoretical not factual.

Yeah. Because that doesn't sound made up at all.

So silly question. If you are the best guy in the room. How exactly do you improve?

Wouldn't you basically be stuck with guys who are essentially worse than you all the time. Which has to put blocks on you being able to reach you true potential.
Yeah. Because that doesn't sound made up at all.

So silly question. If you are the best guy in the room. How exactly do you improve?

Wouldn't you basically be stuck with guys who are essentially worse than you all the time. Which has to put blocks on you being able to reach you true potential.
This reminds of an interview where Marc Denny, one of the Dog Brothers' founders, said how different people can be brave in different situations/environments. I posted the video below, he covers it in the first two minutes of the interview.
Not buying it.

Seen too many egomaniacs over the years engineer fights and then finish them.
Excuse at the ready, just in case.

Two things to note:
  • This guy is a professional fighter, so he's way better at the finishing bit.
  • He posted it on his own social media, so before everyone said "what the...?", he was actually proud of himself. In fear of his life?
you can tell who has really been in a fight. Grew up on the street been in barfights or is a alpha just by the comments - Rules of the street don' t f with anyone mind your own buisness. Street is anywhere outside a ring. Not everyone is politicaly correct. Some of us were raised to be fighters and warriors. Watch who you provoke .

Thanks for that, Joe. 👍
An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who imposes his will on others, not the other way round. Other men want to be him, women want to be with him. An alpha male intimidates, he's unquestionably in charge, no matter what the situation. An alpha male is loud, brash, doesn't care what anybody else thinks

few scientists would want the knowledge they aren't Alpha. Science is theoretical not factual.
Actually, what you're describing is commonly known by variations of the term "butthead".
Joe Schiling video down below. What are your thoughts? Do you think it was justified or not? Schiling claimed he was in fear for his life and acted in self defense.

I’ve said this before. The guy has issues. You can clearly tell he is hoping for a trouble, just by the way he walks. He is praying for an excuse to pop off. To me it looks like an insecure man who revels in what he can do and looks for excuses to do it.

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