This is why you should choice your girlfriend or wife who also trains MA as well. This way, you will have your training partner 24/7. My wife always tells me that she doesn't fight fair and she fights dirty." She has no problem to smash my body all the way down to the ground.
Heres a listing I just came up with:
I want an outdoorsy girl!
Let’s go hiking, swimming, fishing, running, sailing, canoeing, camping, mountain climbing, bungee jumping, skydiving, spelunking, deep-sea diving, and so on until we’re so completely exhausted that we don’t even have the energy to have sex. It will help if we both take steroids.
About you...
1. must like long walks on a beach and enjoy a good rear naked choke while watching a beautiful sunset.
2. You refuse to tap or sub. And you refuse to accept taps or subs from your partner. Its an honor thing. Cause your old school classy like that. You have broken other people's arms and you refuse to share your Xrays.
3. No ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands with restraining orders for D.V.
4. Your prison tattoos are better looking than mine.
5. You lost the olympic gold medal in judo to a rival and you have been a bully in the UFC ever since.
6. You are almost sane.
7. You believe me whenever I say "Of course, I am not lying"
About me. I am rich, and I own a mansion and a yacht. I am willing to crash at yours while having mine remodeled.
I have a string of very dangerous ex girlfriends who can break arms and have done time for shanking other ex girlfriends.
I have 13 restraining orders for DV (on them... not me)
I come from a Brazilian family that has made billions suckering people into spending 10-20 years earning a black piece of fabric to wear. When some of the students are allowed to earn it in 4 we say they are gifted and especially talented.
I have six pack abs.
My name is pronounced with an R and not an H.