3rd Black Belt
A worthless psudoeducation for a worthless piece of cloth that requires psudoeffort. Sounds about right. I bet he eats a lot of fast psduofood. ( Why doesn't he just buy a belt off e-bay?) Why be sad, he is getting exactly what he wants.
As I explore further and talk to more people I see enough people with enough burning passion ( and the anger and even depression at the perceived loss of the old MA's is Passion) tells me Decline is the wrong word. Transition may be the correct word. And thats ok. Stagnation and ridgidity is death to Art. Art is fluid, flexable. It challanges the expected, the norm, what was yesterday, it strives to reach both the Heaven and Hades of our Soul. If you want your MA to stagnate and never change is it still an Art? or is it just memorized imitation? humbley
As I explore further and talk to more people I see enough people with enough burning passion ( and the anger and even depression at the perceived loss of the old MA's is Passion) tells me Decline is the wrong word. Transition may be the correct word. And thats ok. Stagnation and ridgidity is death to Art. Art is fluid, flexable. It challanges the expected, the norm, what was yesterday, it strives to reach both the Heaven and Hades of our Soul. If you want your MA to stagnate and never change is it still an Art? or is it just memorized imitation? humbley