tradrockrat said:
but it sure ain't the whole truth, and that's the problem with threads like this - nobody is going to learn anything new and nobody is going to change their mind about anything.
Well, I have a pretty low opinion of Republicans to start with. But
I have learned new things in the past few weeks about the Republican Party; one of which was why this thread was started.
I would say, if you haven't learned anything new about being a Republican in the past two or three months, you haven't been paying attention. Let me give you an example.
Individuals can contribute to Politicians, their campaigns, and Political Action Committees.
Businesses can not contribute to Politicians, their campaigns, or Political Action Committees.
Indian Tribes .. how are they treated? Well ... according to 'the rules', Indian Tribes are treated like Individuals to a certain extent; they can make contributions directly to Politicians and their campaigns and PACs. But there is an exception, that no one else gets for Indian tribes; they are not subject to limits individuals are subject too, apparently because there are many members of the tribe <<shrugg>>. I don't get it.
Anyhow ... this little exception allows Jack Abramoff to take money from Native American Indian Tribes and 'grease the skids' of Congress. (Republicans) ... The really 'Republican' part of this though, is Abramoff didn't use any money from the Indian tribes. He used the proceeds from the Casinos.
(tinfoil hat time folks) - It puts a whole new light on President Bush's vain attempt to define soveriegnty.