Greed, as a motivator of human ingenuity, is not evil. Without 'greed' there would be no human desire to improve ourselves.
Nonsense. You can desire a better life. That's not greed.
You're not suggesting anything...
The free market system is far superior to anything you have or can suggest.
Well which is it? Di I or did I not "suggest"?
And then turn around and seek to find away to exploit that member for not 'spreading the wealth' enough.
So now you know what happens in every instance? Most likely they simply get good paying jobs at the new company.
The free market model is responsible for creating a degree of prosperity in America not seen in the history of the world. It must be so very hard to whine about 'oppression' in all this prosperity.
What you call a "free market" produced indentured servanthood, asbestosis, black lung, pinkerton security and company store scripts. It was the labor movement that gave the working man (even the unorganized ones) a good quality of life. You can make an argument that capitalism works because workers are free to organize and I'll buy that but that's not what you're doing.
Your philosophy is idealistic. It does not add value, it rather, defines itself by what it is against. Again, you imagine a world where you are 'victimized'. People fail, not because they lack ambition and drive, but because they are 'victimized'. I can see how this would be comforting to those with no ambition.....It's also clearly a lie. You have built a philosophy out of averice and jealousy, as such, it is nothing but a negative philosophy who's only purpose is to destroy that which you envy....why? Becaue you want to HAVE what those who you envy possess.
You keep accusing me of making the claim that success is impossible. Success and prosperity are very possible (Labor has organized itself and gained success and prosperity). You have built your whole argument on accusing me of things I never said. You offer nothing of any substance. You twist my words then counter the meaning you have assigned to them. Don't accuse me of whining again.
I know a successful carpenter who started his own business. His union gave him the training as a journeyman. He took advantage of Hurricane Rita. His workers are happy and his prices are about 40% below everyone else's. I'm a head draftsman in the division of a large European corporation who is known for investing in it's people. I got there by being ambitious and innovative. I could not have done it working for du Pont though. Thankfully because of the labor movement us workers are not in perpetual debt to our employers. We have the freedom (thanks to the labor movement and government intervention) to quit and go elsewhere for more money. We don't have to buy our tools from the company then work at wages so low that we can never pay off our investment. We don't have buy overpriced junk at the company store. We can spread the wealth around to other retailers thereby improving their business and getting a better deal.
I'm all for a free economy. I'm for ambition. I'm also for working people and small entrepreneurs remaining vigilant and using any means necessary against those who would steal their innovations or cheat them out of a good paycheck. I am not for climbing the corporate ladder by back-stabbing my fellow man. And I'm definitely not for starting wars to increase profits.
I'm leaving this thread now before I get in trouble with the mods. Feel free to put more words in my mouth. In the end you know I'm correct. I hope you've enjoyed pulling my chain. I've enjoyed pulling yours.