Iran Announces New Unmanned Bomber


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Well now, is this going to draw the attention and ire of those worried about Iran? Are we going to need to worry about Israel concerns about the bomber being moved close enough to launch a strike against them? THEY have THE bomb, Iran doesn't... THEY are not going to have any compunctions about using it and call it pre-self-defense.
By NASSER KARIMI, Associated Press Writer Nasser Karimi, Associated Press Writer – 21 mins ago
TEHRAN, Iran – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday inaugurated the country's first domestically built unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an "ambassador of death" to [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]Iran's [COLOR=#366388 ! important]enemies[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].
The 4-meter-long drone aircraft can carry up to four cruise missiles and will have a range of 620 miles (1,000 kilometers), according to a state TV report — not far enough to reach archenemy Israel.
"The jet, as well as being an ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, has a main message of peace and friendship," said Ahmadinejad at the [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]inauguration [COLOR=#366388 ! important]ceremony[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], which fell on the country's national day for its defense industries.
The goal of the aircraft, named Karrar or striker, is to "keep the enemy paralyzed in its bases," he said, adding that the aircraft is for deterrence and defensive purposes.
The president championed the country's military self-sufficiency program, and said it will continue "until the enemies of humanity lose hope of ever attacking the Iranian nation."
Iran launched an arms development program during its 1980-88 war with Iraq to compensate for a U.S. weapons embargo and now produces its own tanks, armored personnel carries, missiles and even a [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]fighter [COLOR=#366388 ! important]plane[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].
Iran frequently makes announcements about new advances in military technology that cannot be independently verified.
Granted that Iran may be just talk and bluff but they are a verifiable threat and a potential troublemaker. At least the government is... I've known some very decent Iranians here in the states... but their government... kinda like the worrisome kid on the block with a bb-pistol in his back pocket. Not really anything major but enough to warrant keeping a close eye on.

The bomb (if it really works) has limited range but Iran has friends that'd probably be happy to let them launch off their soil to get a closer striking range at the country Muslims seem to love to hate.
ItÂ’s a remote control plane that can carry a couple or one bomb. Hell you can basically buy the technology down at the local hobby shop.

Many in the Iranian leadership are brainwashed and perhaps a bit crazy, but that is not synonymous with stupid. Any nuclear attack on Israel will result in the offending country becoming a radioactive wasteland. The Israelis will never again permit the potential destruction of the Jewish race ever to occur unchallenged again.

The vast majority of Iranians are normal non radical, moderate people, think of the opposition protests last year. Any attack on Iran has the potential to force the non radical Iranians onside with the radicals. A, my country good or bad scenario.

Iran will become like the USSR, it will collapse under its own weight and bureaucracy. Covertly IÂ’m sure the western powers are nudging things, trying to make that happen sooner, rather than later.
With all them wanting to be suicide bombers for their 72 virgins (or whatever they get), why an unmanned one?

I suspect Iran might have a bit harder time getting nuts to fly rockets than most think.

This is again one of Iran's scare tactics. Remember the unmanned aerial vehicles (for surveillance)that they claimed to be long-range, high speed and heavily armed. It is a bluff. They are desperate and trying to act tough.

How can this unmanned jet bomber that the Iranian President dubs “ambassador of death” can bring message of peace and friendship. Again, another of those crazy ideas.
ItÂ’s a remote control plane that can carry a couple or one bomb. Hell you can basically buy the technology down at the local hobby shop.

Many in the Iranian leadership are brainwashed and perhaps a bit crazy, but that is not synonymous with stupid. Any nuclear attack on Israel will result in the offending country becoming a radioactive wasteland. The Israelis will never again permit the potential destruction of the Jewish race ever to occur unchallenged again.

The vast majority of Iranians are normal non radical, moderate people, think of the opposition protests last year. Any attack on Iran has the potential to force the non radical Iranians onside with the radicals. A, my country good or bad scenario.

Iran will become like the USSR, it will collapse under its own weight and bureaucracy. Covertly IÂ’m sure the western powers are nudging things, trying to make that happen sooner, rather than later.

I love those old memoirs from the cold war, even the novels ruled. Shows how much happened behind the scenes and how delicate a situation like their government is. I'm with you, it'll collapse under it's own weight, it's not an entire country of radicals and they want to trade and earn just like the rest of the world, a despotic government stands in the way of that.