Having spent over 17 years in nuclear weapons handling, command and control of nuclear capable forces, holding the postion of wing weapons officer of a strategic bomb wing, and with over 2000 flight hours in the B52 during the height of the Cold War I can honestly say that I know something about this subject.
Simply put, there are just too many safeguards in place for this to have happened.
Can the conspiracy nuts just get back to concentrating on Area 51?
Bill Parsons
Triangle Kenpo Institute
This is territory where Bill and I might not even want to go, so I'll preface my remarks by saying that they are purely speculative, and you can find speculation from equally or more greatly informed sources than I on the internet, if you know where to look.
The wepons are stored in an alarmed bunker-to be removed, the alarm had to be disabled. This requires the actions of two people-as almost all such actions involving nuclear weapons do.
The weapons themselves are
probably equipped with electronic alarms. These alarms also had to be disabled by two people.\
To disable these alarms
probably required the expressed authorization and confirmation of authorization from-you guessed it,
two parallel authorities.
The weapons were each mounted onto cruise missiles, which
probably required the expressed authorization and confirmation of authorization from-you guessed it,
two parallel authorities
The missiles were mounted onto a B-52, which
probably required the expressed authorization and confirmation of authorization from-you guessed it,
two parallel authorities.
Of course, loading nuclear missiles on a bomber has supposedly been barred, even for practice or triaining purposes, since 1991.
Of course, the flight of nuclear equipped bombers over U.S. airspace has supposedly been banned for 40 years.
There are, of course, flaws in the safeguards-I've engaged in a few "coffee-table" discussions about how such flaws could be exploited,in order to improve security-understand, the security involved is
probably no more complex than that at a higher end antique or jewelry store, or a bank with large amounts of cash or precious metals. This one started with the missiles being stored improperly,someone mistakenly picking them up for disposal, and , supposedly, no one noticing they were "special."
And that's about all I'm going to say about it.