I mean I acknowledge that the warheads will be usable. I just don't see how you get them to target without ICBMs. If the ICBMs have been decommissioned, they are probably not easily replaced.
Remember all that great Gulf War footage from the cruise missile cameras?
While all (?) of our ground based Tomahawk nuclear missiles have been deactivated in accordance with the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, we still have ship and airship based ones. Additionally, the modification of cruise missiles that carry conventional payloads to the ability to carry the W80 warhead is not technologically challenging at all, nor would reconstructing ground based platforms for them be. The Tomahawk has a range of (about) 1200-1500 miles, and the W80 warhead is what's called a variable yield (or, sometimes incorrectly, "dial-a-yield") that ranges between 5 and 200 kilotons. For perspective, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki devices were about 12.5 and 18 kilotons, respectively. While we couldn't attack Russia from anywhere but Alaska with a ground based approach with such a device-at least, not without deploying it on foreign soil like, Afghanistan, say.., we certainly could from the sea or air-and, with their GPS guidance, variable throttles, and Digital Scene Matching Area Correlators, we can pretty much park a nuke in someone's lap with one-under the radar, and in a matter of minutes.
ICBM's?We don't need no stinking ICBMs! :lol:
All of this was and is in keeping with the shift in nuclear doctrine away from "MAD," and the growing possibility of tactical, rather than strategic nuclear warfare, and the increasing likelihood of actually using the things in warfare (not even going to get into the times that we may or may not have considered it in the past....)
And, again, in light of your earlier post-your quite right: the number of thousands of warheads we have isn't stategically significant at all-safe to say that it's enough to destroy every major city in the world-including ours-at least twice. Not likely that we'll ever use all of them, fact, it kind of brings up the question of why we have so damn many. Interesting history there, of course.....