Ineresting topic on E-digest

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loki09789 said:
1. Is Tim the author of any of the text copy?

2. Also there was talk some kind of challenge match with MoroMoro in the Phillipines talked about on MT that would have recently taken place or would be taking place soon so the PI trip talk would have made sense too. Though the mention of multiple trips was confusing.

I haven't noticed any pictures from PI on the Horizon/WMAA website or links, so I am assuming that it still in the future? Moromoro no longer posts on MT so I haven't been able to ask him.

Hi Paul,

1. No. Tim authored none of it.
2. Waaaaaaay off topic. Personally, I am curious about the challenge myself. I talked to Tim recently and he told me that he and Rick Manglinong are going to the PI in springtime 2005.

Dan Anderson
MoroMoro was banned from MT a while ago due to his antagonistic manners. From what I can tell, he's been banned from at least 6 other boards as well, all for the same reasons. Not a good start for a teenager looking to make a name for himself.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Not a good start for a teenager looking to make a name for himself.

It didn't show from his antics, but I cannot remember where he posted nor which board he posted it one but, but wasn't MoroMoro a graduate student studying abroad in Australia?
I've heard from a few folks that his real age was late teens. Somewhere between 17-19 I think. I don't remember the rest...its been a while.
Dan Anderson said:
2. Waaaaaaay off topic. Personally, I am curious about the challenge myself. I talked to Tim recently and he told me that he and Rick Manglinong are going to the PI in springtime 2005.

For a little history on the "infamous fuedal challange" see here:

A few posts down Datu Puti states it, but it continues to the next page. You will see on the next page where moromoro trys to arrange it so that they fight at a tournament. :rolleyes: I can hear the crowd now..."Nok Su Kow! Nok Su Kow!" while Jean-Tim Van Hartman drops into the splits and punches Moro-ton-po right in the nutz.....oh, wait. Wrong movie. In this film they chant "Dat-u-puti! Dat-u-puti!" :rofl: you want to know what will seriously happened? Big fat nothing. Tim will go down there to visit and train, and even if he contacts this clown, I get the feeling that he won't even show for a meeting.

Oh...I believe that moro's instructor is legit...but I believe that moro is nothing more then a barking lap dog.

Me's done with this dead horse... :deadhorse

Dan Anderson said:
Hi Paul,

1. No. Tim authored none of it.
2. Waaaaaaay off topic. Personally, I am curious about the challenge myself. I talked to Tim recently and he told me that he and Rick Manglinong are going to the PI in springtime 2005.

Dan Anderson
1. Thanks for the info
2.Just a tangental question that came to me as I was writing. The posts mentioned PI travels and Tim mentioned this PI trip business, it made some confusion in the way he posted.
Datu Puti said:
The White Chief thinks he did a good job with starting this thread and will be posting tomorrow. Now it is time for rest.

"The sun 'll come out tomorrow, betcher bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun..."

You must have been REALLY tired:), still no post.

Honor us, Oh Great Chief, with your white, that's not right.

Honor us, Oh Great White, with your chief words...that's better, no wait.

Honor us, Oh White Chief, with your great words...Now they all look wrong, even when it's correct.

Maybe I'm the one who needs more rest:)
loki09789 said:
Maybe I'm the one who needs more rest:)

No, just a personality.

PS I'm busy with the MT Camp this weekend. I'll post when I get a chance. :whip:

Come on. That's Hartman humor. Lighten up a bit. I know his humor can piss people off but let him speak his mind ("post his mind?" - what a concept) and then get pissed if the situation calls for it.

Also, an observation point here - the mods are shooting from the hip when it even looks like there might be a flame war starting. Ever since the Norshadow thing the pendulum has swung the other way (from too lenient and letting things get too far to very strict and firing pre-emptive strikes). IF you want your voice to be heard, watch how you put it. You might get bounced for a week. I'm not a mod. If I were I'd suspend EVERYONE who didn't agree with me. MT would close its Modern Arnis section within a week if that happened.

On a personal note, I wouldn't like to see that as you are an eloquent writer and your factual presentations are usually first rate. To get those banned would be a shame.

Dan Anderson
Taken from the text posted by Paul R. Martin:

The conquistador's' retreat back to Spain was a tribute to the fighting prowess of Filipino warriors and their fighting blades. So impressed with this new fighting style and weaponry,....

Just for reference:

There were approximately 1500 filipinos fighting under Lapu-Lapu against roughly 70 spanish conquistadores....


Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis
Datu Puti said:
No, just a personality.

PS I'm busy with the MT Camp this weekend. I'll post when I get a chance. :whip:
I've posted on topic. Used facts and reasonable theories. I've articulated clearly, to a degree, on this and the Agri/fighting bolo thread.

I make a joke that piggybacks off of a joking tone from your royal 'we'/third person reference - which I took to be humorous - and I get this? Wow.

I would appreciate some demonstrative control of the personal attacks.

Not looking for a suspension, just trying to get this thread exposure on the "new post list" again AND continue a LIGHT tone that was already set with your "White Chief" post...... you posted on the memorial thread and elsewhere between your last post here to now so I was playing.

I guess you really do need some rest.

To Dan and all:

Sorry for the poor timing/delivery of a joke, guess the water isn't under the bridge, so I will rein in the humor....
loki09789 said:
I've posted on topic. Used facts and reasonable theories. I've articulated clearly, to a degree, on this and the Agri/fighting bolo thread.

I make a joke that piggybacks off of a joking tone from your royal 'we'/third person reference - which I took to be humorous - and I get this? Wow.

I would appreciate some demonstrative control of the personal attacks.

Not looking for a suspension, just trying to get this thread exposure on the "new post list" again AND continue a LIGHT tone that was already set with your "White Chief" post...... you posted on the memorial thread and elsewhere between your last post here to now so I was playing.

I guess you really do need some rest.

To Dan and all:

Sorry for the poor timing/delivery of a joke, guess the water isn't under the bridge, so I will rein in the humor....

I don't recall anyone receiving a warning from staff, just a request for us to get back to topic.


Dieter said:
Taken from the text posted by Paul R. Martin:

Just for reference:

There were approximately 1500 filipinos fighting under Lapu-Lapu against roughly 70 spanish conquistadores....


Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis
Yeah, they were suppose to be outnumbered. THey were more of an expedition force than an occupational armada. Not to mention that there was probably some very unhealthy - possibly scurvy ridden - spanish sailors trying to repel a hord of reasonably well fed/rested tribesmen.

There might have been some assumptions about firearms/cultural superiority on the part of the Spanish.

OR, more likely, the article is partly promotional/evangelical and trying to create/improve the fighting reputaiton of the PI weapons and martial arts.

My purpose of was really to draw attention to the referencial use of the term "Jungle Bolo" by Rick Mitchell in the article and his citation of RP's book. Mr. Mitchell worked extensively with RP and since RP is the demonstrator in the photos; I would guess that he approved the terms and ideas in it.
loki09789 said:
I've posted on topic. Used facts and reasonable theories. I've articulated clearly, to a degree, on this and the Agri/fighting bolo thread.

I make a joke that piggybacks off of a joking tone from your royal 'we'/third person reference - which I took to be humorous - and I get this? Wow.

I would appreciate some demonstrative control of the personal attacks.

Not looking for a suspension, just trying to get this thread exposure on the "new post list" again AND continue a LIGHT tone that was already set with your "White Chief" post...... you posted on the memorial thread and elsewhere between your last post here to now so I was playing.

I guess you really do need some rest.

To Dan and all:

Sorry for the poor timing/delivery of a joke, guess the water isn't under the bridge, so I will rein in the humor....

Thanks, Paul. You can't see the look on someone's face or the sound of their voice on the net. It looks like I read your post wrong. My apologies.
Dan Anderson said:
Also, an observation point here - the mods are shooting from the hip when it even looks like there might be a flame war starting. Ever since the Norshadow thing the pendulum has swung the other way (from too lenient and letting things get too far to very strict and firing pre-emptive strikes). IF you want your voice to be heard, watch how you put it. You might get bounced for a week. I'm not a mod. If I were I'd suspend EVERYONE who didn't agree with me. MT would close its Modern Arnis section within a week if that happened.
We are discussing your concerns. We went from having little moderation to having 6+ sets of eyes in here. It will take a little time for everyone to 'regain balance' as it were.

If there are specifics, (anyone) please feel free to contact me and Seig directly, outside of this thread.

Thanks. :)

but.. but..but .. I like to crack the whip ;) :whip:

It's summer.. people are Hot and cranky and prone to jump the gun.. :shrug:

I need a vacation ~!!


No real concerns, just an observation. I don't want people bounced when the discussions get going good. At the same time it's good to know what the parameters are so that firm lines don't get crossed. This way we all know and play by the same rules.


So lovely to "hear" your "voice" again. You like cracking the whip amongst stickers. You are a versatile lassie.

Dan Anderson
Datu Puti said:
That's not what I'm trying to say, but Bart got the idea. There are a couple of interesting topics in this thread that we could discuss.


Just what are you trying to say?
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