I have a secret...

I was a trumpet player, did the whole band geek thing: Concert, Jazz, and Marching Band, NYSSMA (NY State School Music Association, where you performed music for grading), and All-County and All-State Band. Unfortunately, I stopped playing trumpet when I graduated HS. About all I do now is karaoke and sing occasionally with local bands that I know.
My judo instructon's math professor in college would face the board, start talking and write what he was saying with his right hand while dragging an eraser across the board with his left.....

THere's a reason people don't like math professors....
As a kid I would use a blowdryer to melt the adhesive on the tape of my Christmas presents and open them up. In fact, one year when I saw they had given me the Star Wars Special Edition Trilogy on VHS I cut open the shrink wrap, took out the movies, replaced the VHS tapes with my copies of the original trilogy. I then used my super secret method to re-shrink wrap it.

No one was ever the wiser.....
shesulsa said:
AAAhhhhh ... band geek! I was a choir geek myself.

I was a choir geek in Jr High, and it was no longer required in HS, but the plays we did, and the musicals oh boy :( ;)
At one time, I was so obsessed with Logan's run I had costumes made,complete with lifeclocks and authentic props from the TV series.
I have to watch my sugar/ caffine intake- I can get seriously hyperactive, and suffer from insomnia. Guess I'm just too sweet ;).
arnisador said:
I love Logan's Run! I didn't cosplay it though (or anything, actually).
Thats cuz you're too old. Remember, the cut off age is 25. :D
(And I did cosplay a sandman once....) :D
For my High School band, I picked the way cool intsument ....the Clarinet (the old man loved that one)

can't sleep with socks on or the heat abouve 60 degrees.

First bar I snuck into was a Night club (at 17) and got sick having a slow dance/grind with a woman I met there. I (literally crawled home..or to the car)
Well, a gf of mine once covered up a nasty looking bruise from training so I wouldn't have to answer questions at work. But yeah, I was talking about the Kiss make-up...
I'm one of those girls you can take camping who, if the facilities aren't there, doesn't have to shower or wash her hair every day. *It's actually quite disappointing - we smell just as bad as you guys*

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