I have a secret...

Gemini said:
So you go to them...why? (and you call ME blonde) :rolleyes:

He didn't scream 'cause he WAS the ghost! :eek:

My Secret. I can't sleep without your socks on either. :lol2:
No silly I went just that one time. That ghost won't let me back in anyway. As for my socks, so that's why every time I do the wash I'm missing socks...bring 'em back YOU! :whip:

Rich your post made me laugh! Jam on burnt grilled cheese is right up there with my weird sandwich. As for the protesters at the male stripper show, they were both men and women and they were carrying big protest signs, and yelling stuff at us (exactly what I don't remember). I was 18, and it was very embarrassing, and the Local TV News was there. It was in the Hamptons on Long Island.

Georgia are they swinging Republicans? :uhyeah:
mj-hi-yah said:
lol I need me one of those...
Oh, don't we all?
Georgia are they swinging Republicans? :uhyeah:
Yes indeed they are, sweetie! Shouting the sanctity of marriage, monogomy and God. Love it, eh?
Sam said:
I never read half my email

no wonder you haven't gotten back to me...
I am possibly the most fussy eater I know, but the stuff I do like I eat in stomach turning proportions (The night before last my girlfriend and I were out eating, and after hearing what I ordered, the waiter was like "Are you sure, that is a lot..." five minutes later the cook came to our table and said "Just need to verify your order, are you sure you can eat all that?".
When I had finished demolishing what they brought me, the waiter made a point of letting every other patron know just how much food I got through...)

I have had several "disgreements" with the law

I once took the test for Mensa, and forgot to send it... (D'oh!)

I snore so loud it would frighten children
This is something I would do.
Simon Curran said:
I once took the test for Mensa, and forgot to send it... (D'oh!)
And this.
I snore so loud it would frighten children

Two qualities about myself which I detest. I've never had a great memory - my mother used to say if my head weren't attached, I'd forget that too, and she's probably exactly right. In fact, I would score significantly lower on an IQ test today than I did when I was 16 just because I can't friggin' remember some of the math formulas & postulates, anything about the periodic table (I used to have it memorized), nor much of Castillian Spanish (I was completely fluent).

The snore came with scar tissue from the Russian flu in the late seventies. I hate it with a passion and always use the excuse of being exhausted from 'such great adult activities.'

I over-extend myself to where I become overwhelmed and shut down sometimes. I never budget enough time to do things that are required of me or that I promise to do and am often late with things. This is the most important of the three right now because it affects all others in my life including myself. I think it's a right-left brain problem along with the memory issue. :idunno:
I swear to god I give rep to the same 29 people, over, and over, and over, and over.....
Simon Curran said:
I am possibly the most fussy eater I know, but the stuff I do like I eat in stomach turning proportions

We might have been separated at birth! I thought I was the world's pickiest eater until my daughter came along. I also can put away a good-sized meal when necessary.

Throughout high school I ate a PB&J sandwich every day, unless they had pizza for lunch. In grad. school I alternated: Hamburgers for dinner one night, spaghetti with meatballs the next. (My Italian roommate taught me the secret of good meatballs: Brown them a little, but let them finish cooking in the sauce.) Everyone asked if I didn't get bored with the same thing every time. Well, what else is there that's good to eat?

Even now my colleagues all now that going out to dinner with me means steak (preferably) or pasta, and they tease me about how many days in a row I'll have a burger for lunch at the faculty dining room. At most restaurants that I eat at regularly I've only ever tried one thing on the menu--if you're an Italian restaurant and you've got chicken parmigiana with a side of pasta, then there's no need for other entries on the menu. It drives my wife crazy that I always get the same thing, every time.

I have gotten a bit less picky over the years, but am still somewhat restricted in my choices.
arnisador said:
I'm shocked that you would admit to this! Are there other people here who no longer remember their math.?
Heh heh heh. Hey Arni. Guess what? I can't remember my math. :boing1:

I remember the difference between sine and cosine, quadratic equations, some geometry, but get into tangents and matrices and ... well ... heh heh heh ... I'm goners.:idunno:

I think it had something to do with this German math teacher I had my first year of college. He would write the problem, work a bit on it and erase it before moving aside so you could see what he was demonstrating. He also spoke about seven words of English. Yeah. I think I gave up on math then because you had to get through his class to go higher there. That was Calc 1.

I gotta brush up, though, because my daughter is in advanced math in middle school and if I'm gonna help her I must go recover some skills. Peace out (in Kip Dynamite voice).

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