Why some people have strong hands?

Used to use metal nail clippers to clip the exposed nails that came from nailing them into ply wood.
Why is it some people hands and wrist are so strong it feels unnatural? What are they eating or how do they exercise to get such strong hands and wrist? When they grab you it feel like bones will break in your body because of pressure. Some guys just have very strong hands.

I don’t know what they are eating or how they exercise to get strong hands. Some guys also for what ever reason have big hands don’t know what they are doing that they can get big hands.

There was a video of one person yes video person doing pull ups with one hand. Some people when they grab you the grip is so strong they feel like superman. I don’t know what they are eating to get strong hands. I don't know may be they are going rock climbing that is why they have strong hands and such powerful grips.

But there is some thing about these people that is different than other people their hands and powerful grips are just so strong they are eating some thing or doing some thing to get this strong.

First off, some people are just stronger naturally than others. Secondly, some people involve activities in their day to day life that promotes hand/grip strength. i am a plumber so by the nature of the work, I'm constantly using my grip. I do not have particularly large hands, but I do have above average hand strength.

In our class, part of our circuit workout is lifting 10 or 20 pound dumbbells by their ends, one in each hand, holding for 5 seconds while walking then setting down. Then repeating. Great grip strength exercise.
I've seen a few folks that do free climbing(sometimes they stop by nearby local outdoor sports store since it has some decent gear+a climbing wall). Their grip strength is just ridiculous, they have showed me videos on literally swinging their whole bodies from their fingertips...
It's pretty much everyday's exposure to physical labour. Some people train to do something, for other's it's just their normal routine. Half of the people that I grew up with on the farm would be above average powerlifters if they started at around age 20. I've seen a person that never touched any gym equipment and would bench 300+lbs with 0 training.
It's pretty much everyday's exposure to physical labour. Some people train to do something, for other's it's just their normal routine. Half of the people that I grew up with on the farm would be above average powerlifters if they started at around age 20. I've seen a person that never touched any gym equipment and would bench 300+lbs with 0 training.
Very true. I work with a lot of young folks who do very physical work (zipline guides, at a park that is physically demanding). Their strength by the end of a single season is uncommon. I can only imagine what it would be if they did that daily year-round, the way farm workers and such do.

There’s probably also a selection bias involved. Some people don’t recover and progress well under that daily strain. They don’t last, so the ones left probably have an advantage when they start.

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