everyone is so picky

i think this had strayed from the original point of eather or not Modern Ninjutsu shoudl be consedered a Western Art (USA, England, whatever) sence from what i know is there is no 'Modern' ninjutsu in japan just the traditional Ryus you have been talking about, my guess is when a westerner went there or even when one of them came to the west they probly thought 'Ya know what i can do that better' and they start changing the art, from what i know about RBWI(whitch is what i am learning just under a diffrent name, long story) is that he left there came back and did not like the eastern relgion in it and did not like how it was taught and thus he came up with RBWI whitch is consdered a Modern Ninjutsu even though Bussey states that he doesnt want to be know for ninjutsu but Ninjutsu is what it closly resembles and is most strongly based off of so thats what it has been uh 'nicked named' i woudl guess, technicly from what i have researched RBWI is technicly should be a western art, but its not, it is consedered Modern Ninjutsu
Take for example Japanese Anime has a distict look to it, big eyes so on so on, now it has thus become popular in the states to where even American Animation is mimicing it, like example theres a anime knock of called Teen Titan, i hate this show and i view it as ripping off Japanese Anime though i know it is based strongly off Anime but is Americanly Done, now i think that Anime should stick to Japan and if we wanted some american animation done in that style we shoudl pay them or send our animators tehre to train in that style and not to come back and try and mix it and so on.
You might be thinking wtf? well i have a point:
Anime that is coming from japan is like traditional Ninjutsu , it changes and updates itself with time over there but its generaly the same. Now this Anime like Ninjutsu was brought to the states, first no one like it, then theres suddenly a craze(Ninja Mania if you may), and so people start mimicing this style of art: anime(ninjutsu) eather trying to take points from this style and place it into tehres or just taking the style (anime/ninjutsu) and adding there own stuff in to it, now the ones that that add stuff to there own are less noticed, they dont call tehre selfs ninjutsu, they could be a jkendo class taht saw a good ninjutsu move or whatever and added it to tehres, but the ones taht take taht art, eather by going to japan and learning it or not is like Modern Ninjutsu, its based off of it but its like a american form and so on, now just like in this Traditional/Modern Ninjutsu war.
Some people think that it should stay in japan or be so close to that japanese style to where it might as well been done in japan, now i agree with that on Anime, i hate this new 'modern' american anime, i find it to be disrespectfull and copying, just liek im sure your traditional ninjutsu think about modern, you think that we are discracing it and so on, whitch is fine you can have your opinion, but once again i hate this new Americanized version of Anime but yet im also loving Modern Ninjutsu, in the end its about a persons opinion on it taht matters, unless, ya know a style just so obviosly sucks