What is "American Ninjutsu"

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Don Roley said:
I would agree. But Stephen Hayes seemed to think that in order to make what he wrote more understandable to an American audience, he would have to add in material for them. .
It's ok with me. Lets look at what we have so far:


*Book is published with SKH and Hatsumi Sensei as Authors;
*Book cites a direct definition by Hatsumi Sensei of what constitutes Ninjutsu;
*Book also cites documents passed on to Hatsumi Sensei, by his teacher and 33 Soke, regarding the connection of or the Chinese influence(s) on Ninjutsu and Japanese Culture;
*Referenced pages are posted on Bujinkan South Africa's website under a caption - History of Ninjutsu;
*Referenced website list Masaaki Hatsumi as the Author;
*Kaith asks for certain definitions - one being "Ninjutsu," the other being a title for this subheading;
*sojobow, being so well loved in this forum section and subsection, submits a definition of Ninjutsu as he has not been suspended in the past couple of days;
*Definition of Ninjutsu is gleaned directly from literature directly attributed to Hatsumi Sensei, Founder of the Bujinkan school and Soke of all schools within the "Bujinkan" and who should actually KNOW what the definition of what constitutes a portion of his own style;
*This Soke/Founder also list another source - his own teacher and the person passing to this Soke at least 9 other schools, ryus, ryuhas or whatever;

*Now, we are to believe that the only one who knows what Ninjutsu is is actually the Soke of the 9 schools and Founder of the 10th because his students posting here evidently don't know;
*To cover up that they don't know, they want us to disregard 2 Soke, 3 Founders, other Soke-quoted references and good-ol sojobow;
*Now, due to the sojobow-submitted definition(s), Kaith has a direct definition of Ninjutsu from the Founder and Soke of an "authentic" Japanese organization and it-ain't-good-enough. Then to add to this, another poster starts debating Suzuki Motorcycles and their Sword-making divisions;
*But the Budo Taijutsu practioner posting here can't seem to present to administration any other definition but (to paraphrase) "Ninjutsu is what the Bujinkan, Genbukan, and some other offspring do." "And don't believe the Book that Masaaki Hatsumi authored cause it ain't written in Japanese"
*Still no definitions submitted as requested - other than "it whatever we do."
*when all else fails, go back to post #66 by that guy we all love to hate.

I take back my previous statement about you guys not being any fun. Truth is, you Budo Taijutsu guys posting here are a barrel of fun stuff. Gotta luv em :) Now, I'm really having fun and learning a lot.

Come on guys. It's really simple. Fill in the Blanks: "Ninjutsu is the art of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ."

(yep, I'm hooked on phonix too)
sojobow said:
Come on guys. It's really simple. Fill in the Blanks: "Ninjitsu is the art of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ." 
Hmmm....seven blanks..."Ninjitsu is the art of S-N-O-W-J-O-B"???
Kizaru said:
Hmmm....seven blanks..."Ninjitsu is the art of S-N-O-W-J-O-B"???
What ever happened to those Private Messages you were supposed to be posting for all of us to read? Post em in the correct thread please.
sojobow said:
What ever happened to those Private Messages you were supposed to be posting for all of us to read?
Still hurting over that? I apologized, I said I was sorry.

When I was 14 years old, I probably would have flinched at your jab there, but ya' know, I think I'll hold onto my aces and play them when I'm ready to play them.

Hang in there.
You post directed at me was rather disjointed and just seemed to bounce back and forth among certain things.

Let me see if I can get this straight. You want people to accept your definition of ninjutsu, quote a book and assign your own meaning to it. When I point out that your reading of it really is not what 99 percent of the population would say it is, you start tossing even more barbs at those disagreeing with you.

And if you want to start bringing up past history (i.e. with Kizaru) there is a ton of stuff we could bring up that you have failed to give a decent answer to in the past. Since they were first, maybe we should deal with them, or you can drop your sniping at him and deal with the issue.
Moderator Note.
Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level. Please review our sniping policy. http://www.martialtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=314 Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile). Thank you.

-Dan Bowman-
-MT Moderator-
Why is the definition if ninjutsu even being discuissed? I thought our guidelines were clear.
sojobow said:
It's ok with me. Lets look at what we have so far:


*Book is published with SKH and Hatsumi Sensei as Authors;
*Book cites a direct definition by Hatsumi Sensei of what constitutes Ninjutsu;
*Book also cites documents passed on to Hatsumi Sensei, by his teacher and 33 Soke, regarding the connection of or the Chinese influence(s) on Ninjutsu and Japanese Culture;
*Referenced pages are posted on Bujinkan South Africa's website under a caption - History of Ninjutsu;
*Referenced website list Masaaki Hatsumi as the Author;
*Kaith asks for certain definitions - one being "Ninjutsu," the other being a title for this subheading;
*sojobow, being so well loved in this forum section and subsection, submits a definition of Ninjutsu as he has not been suspended in the past couple of days;
*Definition of Ninjutsu is gleaned directly from literature directly attributed to Hatsumi Sensei, Founder of the Bujinkan school and Soke of all schools within the "Bujinkan" and who should actually KNOW what the definition of what constitutes a portion of his own style;
*This Soke/Founder also list another source - his own teacher and the person passing to this Soke at least 9 other schools, ryus, ryuhas or whatever

Sojobow, the article in question is an excerpt from the second chapter of Ninjutsu: History and Tradition. Once again, this was written by Stephen Hayes. Not Masaaki Hatsumi.

sojobow said:
*Now, we are to believe that the only one who knows what Ninjutsu is is actually the Soke of the 9 schools and Founder of the 10th because his students posting here evidently don't know;
*To cover up that they don't know, they want us to disregard 2 Soke, 3 Founders, other Soke-quoted references and good-ol sojobow;
*Now, due to the sojobow-submitted definition(s), Kaith has a direct definition of Ninjutsu from the Founder and Soke of an "authentic" Japanese organization and it-ain't-good-enough. Then to add to this, another poster starts debating Suzuki Motorcycles and their Sword-making divisions;
*But the Budo Taijutsu practioner posting here can't seem to present to administration any other definition but (to paraphrase) "Ninjutsu is what the Bujinkan, Genbukan, and some other offspring do." "And don't believe the Book that Masaaki Hatsumi authored cause it ain't written in Japanese"
*Still no definitions submitted as requested - other than "it whatever we do."
*when all else fails, go back to post #66 by that guy we all love to hate.

I honestly have no clue as to what the point of the above quotation is. Its not even logically coherent. :idunno:

sojobow said:
Come on guys. It's really simple. Fill in the Blanks: "Ninjutsu is the art of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ."

A definition of 'ninjutsu', as well as the philosophical meaning of 'nin', is given in the Bansenshukai. Do a little research & reading (I know, guys: first time for everything, right??).

Heh. Laterz. :rolleyes:
heretic888 said:
Sojobow, the article in question is an excerpt from the second chapter of Ninjutsu: History and Tradition. Once again, this was written by Stephen Hayes. Not Masaaki Hatsumi.

. :rolleyes:
if that is the case why would hatsumi let the book be written in such a manner. he would have to give hayes permission to write a book in his name. weird, no?
Nimravus said:
He once told some American guy that he could be the next Soke too...
would that be bussey? hmmm so he says one thing and does another... weird... inconsistant too.
Don't know who said it first, but "don't judge the world by your own crappy standards". Japanese use a lot of subtle means of communication that quite simply don't transfer well to westerners. Then again, it's not very Japanese to tell you what's expected of you to do or to understand, you're supposed to figure that out for yourself if you have any manners whatsoever.
thats convinient... blame it on the culture. its our way to say something and do another... that opens the doors to many other doubts... "we say our style works but it doesn't?" ???????????
Enson said:
thats convinient... blame it on the culture. its our way to say something and do another... that opens the doors to many other doubts... "we say our style works but it doesn't?" ???????????

You clearly haven't spent much time in Japan.
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