How would you deal with multiple attackers who are bigger?

'Cause you look just like a Commie
And you might just be a Member
So get outta Denver, Baby. Go!
If you can't do that, it's time to see what you're made of.

If they're far enough away shoot the leader between the eyes

Draw your first knife, and start moving. Make movement hurt them. Soften your focus. Keep moving. Take the leader out as quickly as possible or take your first opportunity to make the guy who is hanging back scream as he falls down. Enjoy the chaos. Don't tunnel in or focus on one of anything. Be slippery when wet. There might be more of them, but they're not going to kill you today.

If they do, you have fallen in battle. The beer is cold in Valhalla, and Odin Valfather loves valor. You have been given a chance to show it.

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