TO my eyes it is a plain fact.. I am bigger than you.. bigger AND stronger AND more physically experienced for what I am about to do.. Further.. I am plainly BADDER than you as I am PREPARED having NO great conscience nor sense of moral. And as I am going about my business with you I DO NOT CARE if I hurt you maim you or if you die at my hands.. as has happened previously and left no lasting mark on my body or mind..
Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist?
Q: If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me?
Q: If you have advantage over me then how will you use it? as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it?
Hello all my sharp-edged friends

nope any of you who know me will know I ain't bigger nor badder than any of y'all bad boys and gals but I pose these questions of any of you who may be looking in after reading some pretty nasty stuff in the paper this morning.. there are some mean folk out there doing just whatever comes to their perniciously perverted minds and I wonder..
are YOU ready for bigger and badder than you? I am very interested to know your approach to the bigger and badder... thank you.
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,