Multiple attackers in a parking lot...

If one does find themselves in the situation like that, and they can't escape........I recommend doing what I did....feign momentary submission and THEN.....hit the Leader/Mouth of the group FIRST as HARD AS YOU CAN, for MAXIMUM DAMAGE, and fight like hell!

That's the key. The leader if you can, otherwise the nearest threat... should go down as hard and as violently as you can possibly put him down. He should be howling in pain with his knee inside out and coughing and choking on his own blood. Something that will get the attention of the rest.

To quote Wyatt Earp (in Tombstone);

Wyatt Earp to Ike Clanton: "You die first, get it? Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?"

Every man there should feel as though the first/next one near you will get torn in half before the rest overtake you.

Much of this can be done psychologically. If you have real intent, they will see it in your eyes and your body language. What you say and how you say it will further drive it home.

I can remember situations as early as high school and as recent as some of the security work I have done. You can look in a mans eyes and if you have real intent, your eyes will tell him that you will kill him, his eyes will tell you if you have him cowed, or if a confrontation is inevitable.
That's the key. The leader if you can, otherwise the nearest threat... should go down as hard and as violently as you can possibly put him down. He should be howling in pain with his knee inside out and coughing and choking on his own blood. Something that will get the attention of the rest.

To quote Wyatt Earp (in Tombstone);

Wyatt Earp to Ike Clanton: "You die first, get it? Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?"

Every man there should feel as though the first/next one near you will get torn in half before the rest overtake you.

Much of this can be done psychologically. If you have real intent, they will see it in your eyes and your body language. What you say and how you say it will further drive it home.

I can remember situations as early as high school and as recent as some of the security work I have done. You can look in a mans eyes and if you have real intent, your eyes will tell him that you will kill him, his eyes will tell you if you have him cowed, or if a confrontation is inevitable.

That's absolutely right........when dealing with a group, one must be aggressive and act with absolute authority and confidence........will that guarantee you won't end up in a stomp down? NOPE! There are no guarantees if you've stupidly managed to walk in to such a situation.......but if you're past the point of no return, the only solution is to JUMP IN with BOTH FEET because a moments hesitation or appearance of weakness when dealing with a pack of wolves may be your last! That's a situation where aggression will save you when caution won't.........caution should have kept you out of it in the first place......if you're already in the middle of it, it's time to toss caution to the wind and go for broke.
Hello, class have a group of 2-6 people attack you....and let them have some hard contact (NO throat, groin,eye attacks-for satey)... any ranking...the group can use any weapons around them...or on the ground too...

You will see can win at times...MOST will lose in the real enviroment. large groups- can rest inbetween...

Yes sometimes you can survive....Musashi did many times against mulitlpe attackers with swords....(Read Musashi Miyamoto)....Read his book...the Book of Five Rings...

IF you really want to learn martial arts? ...Musashi " Book of Five Rings" is one the most important books in the MA world!

Hello, class have a group of 2-6 people attack you....and let them have some hard contact (NO throat, groin,eye attacks-for satey)... any ranking...the group can use any weapons around them...or on the ground too...

You will see can win at times...MOST will lose in the real enviroment. large groups- can rest inbetween...

Yes sometimes you can survive....Musashi did many times against mulitlpe attackers with swords....(Read Musashi Miyamoto)....Read his book...the Book of Five Rings...

IF you really want to learn martial arts? ...Musashi " Book of Five Rings" is one the most important books in the MA world!


Musashi's book is a must for anyone seriously wanting to understand violent individual conflict.

Which translation do you prefer? I've read several, but I find Stephen F. Kaufman's version most accessible and applicable to martial artists, keeping to the spirit of Musashi without getting tied up in the minutia of translation.......if one is looking for a purely scholarly version Kaufman's is probably not the way to go......but as usual there is a gulf between those looking for scholarly density and practical application.

Victor Harris provides a very good translation as well.
Another option may also be to loudly announce to everyone in ear shot that you have a communicable blood disease like Rabies and are also a prolific bleeder.......and WILL bite and/or bleed on anyone who attacks! Then follow up by foaming at the mouth and barking loudly at everyone.
Another option may also be to loudly announce to everyone in ear shot that you have a communicable blood disease like Rabies and are also a prolific bleeder.......and WILL bite and/or bleed on anyone who attacks! Then follow up by foaming at the mouth and barking loudly at everyone.
hahahahahaha... stuff like that works.

One time while I was walking about on a friday night in downtown San Diego I cam upon a crowded sidewalk where a bunch of dodos where nestled around each other and not listening to security tell them to form a single file line... since they were blocking the entire sidewalk I had to wade thru them... some of them kinda flopped asid and others needed a little nudge... some idiot decides its a good idea to shove me in the back and out of the crowd... he and all his friends look at me like "what" which in-turn cuaght the rest of the "crowds" attention and everyone else on the street... they were expecting me to catch a beatin real quick...
I stood there staring right through them and in a loud growling voice I told the guy that that pushed me..." I will rip your ear off in front of all these people"... got everyones attention... then again I said... "Do you hear me, I will pull you f------ ear off in front of all these people"... he began apologizing perfusely... ;)

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