How would you deal with multiple attackers who are bigger?

This is, also, a hell of a situation I've only had the pleasure of dealing with in high school, not on the street. I've also been fortunate that the couple street fights I've been in were a couple dukes, a trip, a couple more dukes and a handshake. I find great value in your wisdom as it's been gained at a high price and will promptly review my attitude. Thanx for the feedback guys.
I would push my wife out in front and say: "did they just call you fat?"
Then watch as she kicks all their butts....
Nothing worse than a woman scorned......
I would attempt to reason with the attackers by asking to fight their best fighter one-on-one, without any interference. This would reduce injury and eliminate the dishonour of running (I personally would be very ashamed to run.)
Dificult question and dificult answer, if you are outnumbered run is the best choice but if you are cornered and need to fight is better to have something at hand, some like a telescopic baton or other impact weapon that can de deployed within seconds, maybe a little can or mace.

I always carry a pocket knife, there are companies that have combat folders like coold steel, spyderco,etc.

Maybe de deployment of a baton can make them think twice, so always is a good option to carry a concealed wepaon.


I would attempt to reason with the attackers by asking to fight their best fighter one-on-one, without any interference. This would reduce injury and eliminate the dishonour of running (I personally would be very ashamed to run.)

Then you'll get the same mudhole stomped in you. But they'll be laughing when they do it. This isn't some sort of Hong Kong cinema/Manga fantasy where they will duel honorably with you. This is a bunch of people who are about to kick you to death. It's so serious that the Law says you can assume that you are in danger of being crippled or killed.

If you can run, for the love of G-d run! Leave the dojo fantasies in the trash where they belong. Save your ***. You don't owe them anything. ****, even lions run away when the odds are against them. In one of his earlier interviews Royce Gracie talked about running like hell when there were several people or guys with knives after him.

Don't be an idiot. This is about staying alive, not pretending you're an anime hero.
Hello Tellner,

You posted, “It's so serious that the Law says you can assume that you are in danger of being crippled or killed.”

Right on!
I live in the Lowermainland near Vancouver, B.C. in Canada.
Over the last couple of years there have been several attacks by groups of thugs.
Inevitably they are wielding machetes and axes.
Some of their untrained victims have confronted them and others have simply been in the wrong place.
In one case, the young man was left a paraplegic.
In two other cases that made the news, the victims were separated from parts of their hands.

Regards, MrE2Me2

Without prejudice
Then you'll get the same mudhole stomped in you. But they'll be laughing when they do it. This isn't some sort of Hong Kong cinema/Manga fantasy where they will duel honorably with you. This is a bunch of people who are about to kick you to death. It's so serious that the Law says you can assume that you are in danger of being crippled or killed.

If you can run, for the love of G-d run! Leave the dojo fantasies in the trash where they belong. Save your ***. You don't owe them anything. ****, even lions run away when the odds are against them. In one of his earlier interviews Royce Gracie talked about running like hell when there were several people or guys with knives after him.

Don't be an idiot. This is about staying alive, not pretending you're an anime hero.

Well said. You've converted me to a runner.
It's just... I am aware of seven or so thugs who frequent my neighbourhood quite often. When I imagine this scenario I see these thugs, and if I run away, I give them confidence. They will recognize me as he who was afraid and ran away and hence will attack again. Is there any way aside from running?
It's just... I am aware of seven or so thugs who frequent my neighbourhood quite often. When I imagine this scenario I see these thugs, and if I run away, I give them confidence. They will recognize me as he who was afraid and ran away and hence will attack again. Is there any way aside from running?

What age bracket, and are they 'amateurs' just looking to cause mayhem, or drug/'Hood/turf-protecting thugs?

I get what you're saying about not escaping the problem, although Tellner's point can't be disputed. I have teens that have finally broken down and joined the neighborhood gang just becaue they got tired of getting beat up going to and from school every day. I certainly don't like it, but I can understand their reasons. If I'd gotten them before they had all the trouble, it might have been different. But alas....
It's just... I am aware of seven or so thugs who frequent my neighbourhood quite often. When I imagine this scenario I see these thugs, and if I run away, I give them confidence. They will recognize me as he who was afraid and ran away and hence will attack again. Is there any way aside from running?

So, you're afraid of what someone else thinks of you? Who cares! If someone wants to call me every name in the book, and actually, there have been many RL times when they have, thats fine by me. Their words are not hurting me. While we train in the arts to defend ourselves...well, at least thats why I train :)...I've always been a believer in trying to verbally talk my way out first. May not work, but at least you try. If its not working, then defend yourself. Is it possible to avoid them prior to a physcial confrontation? I don't think anyone should be a punching bag for someone else, so it may be wise to a) start defending yourself or b) call the police. Last time I checked, assault was a criminal offense. :)

What if as the attackers approached me, I acted submissive and attempted to talk my way out of it, but as they advanced, I suddenly launched into a manical frenzy, screaming at the top of my lungs and yelling "All of you! What are you waiting for!! Come get me!!" The attackers may be rendered confused and slightly anxious, and decide not to fight. It's quite a funny scenario to imagine, but it could work.
What if as the attackers approached me, I acted submissive and attempted to talk my way out of it, but as they advanced, I suddenly launched into a manical frenzy, screaming at the top of my lungs and yelling "All of you! What are you waiting for!! Come get me!!" The attackers may be rendered confused and slightly anxious, and decide not to fight. It's quite a funny scenario to imagine, but it could work.

Possibly, but they could call your bluff and take you up on that. A Pre-emptive strike comes to mind here.:ultracool

Possibly, but they could call your bluff and take you up on that. A Pre-emptive strike comes to mind here.:ultracool


Absolutely, Mike. Also, can't see myself having the wits about me to pull off something quite so cunning as acting when facing multiple attackers. As many experts have noted and my experience has borne out, in these situations our highest order thinking apparatus shuts down and leaves the basic 'fight or flight' part of our brain to handle things. The screaming is not a bad idea, but I would go straight to that conjoined with that pre-emptive strike/combination. If you could incapacitate two of them before they realize you are attacking them, you may be able to maintain the momentum, possibly taking one or two more out of action before they get their sea legs. Remember, they believe they have the upper hand, so are going to be overconfident.

Best wishes! :)
If I have the distance in gap...make like a tree and leave.

As the bad guys keep coming....
talk my way out.

If all else fails (have to think fast)....

I would mentally say a quick prayer then go all out while looking for an escape.

Eye gouge, throat chops, smash knee, ear slaps, elbow strikes, knee strikes, hammerfist, and just go full out b/c your life depends on it.

Keep moving using others as shields and rams.

Look for environmental weapons (corners of buildings, walls, the ground, pool cues, side of tables, ash tray, etc)

Run to a busy public area....blend/hide.

This is a very bad situation to be in the first place. I'll be lucky to survive.
Hmm. really depends on the term "big" there's the fat big and muscle big. Generally if the attackers are big and out of shape, for someone that is fast and has MA training im sure its no problem. But with the muscular type person person(which i am, and i know my weaknesses) you usually shouldnt get into it that much, especially with the "multiple" part. In that case, you would use speed to escape the situation, because i cant forsee someone fighting multiple bigger opponents.
I know there was a thread on dealing with some one bigger and multiple attackers but its a whole new affair when the gang of attackers are much bigger and stronger than you, how would you all fair with such a threat?

It it were me I would run like Linford Christie!

run or get my *** kicked....wait this has actually happened to me and unfortunately for me it was the last option!!
I know there was a thread on dealing with some one bigger and multiple attackers but its a whole new affair when the gang of attackers are much bigger and stronger than you, how would you all fair with such a threat?

It it were me I would run like Linford Christie!

This type of scenario has always been a favorite of most of the MAers/SDers I trained with or knew and each and single one of them would have a different way of handling it from separating them to taking out the leader (as mentioned here).

It's a pretty simple problem to handle actually if you think about it. If you can run, then so be it. If you can't run, then your options are limited, separate, fight and keep your head and pray that you good enough, strike hard, fast and keep your head and pray that you can make a opening to run.

Anything else is pure speculation as to what you should do or could do. In the end if all else fails, make it good and take your whoopin for in most cases you will not be attacked by multiple attackers unless you asked for it. As for asked for it, that has a wide variety of reasons.

Just my view on it.


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