How much can one Master? you have 10 years of your life to devote (without the nagging time-draining activities of school and/or work)..and billions of dollars to hire the best teachers for 24/7 private lessons...127 martial art styles!Bruce Wayne (AKA The Batman) did this, from Aikido to Yaw Yan...
And even that wouldn't constitute mastery, as these numbers average out to one style every month. You would have a shallow or even reasonable overall knowledge, but no mastery.
You can master as much as you choose to believe you have mastered, until you find a new way to understand what you previously believed you had mastered.
Well..have been busy jetsetting around the 3 years will stop my martial arts sojourn and fight crime in up to Nanbudo now...
I got some time, do you need a Robin look alike. :)

Answer this post and you will be up to (3). Go to the meet and greet and grab a few there, then the "Last Person Thread", and you're on your way. Hey, you never know.

Seriously, at least the "Meet and Greet". :)
I got some time, do you need a Robin look alike. :)

Answer this post and you will be up to (3). Go to the meet and greet and grab a few there, then the "Last Person Thread", and you're on your way. Hey, you never know.

Seriously, at least the "Meet and Greet". :)

Better than a "0" (zero) post member
Good day,

I love MA. I love training MA for fun, friendship and fitness. I also study mostly for self defense. I have always thought that an ultimate goal is to master what one studies. If this is true to you as well, how many concepts/techniques do you think one could master realistically?

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Jason Brinn

ThereĀ’s no such thing as mastering a martial art. I have studied American Kenpo for forty years and I am still finding new principles and different ways to use my martial art. To me, Kenpo or most martial arts are not finite but most are infinite. I wish I had another hundred years to study and better myself in Kenpo.


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