How many do morning hour workouts?

Do you have an AM workout?

  • I do have an AM workout

  • I do not have an AM workout

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If you do how many hours before work do you get up?
About three

how many of hours on average do you get?
About 6-7

how long did it take for you to actually like it?
I never really learned to like to get up so early,but my drive to constantly improve myself fuels me on
If you do how many hours before work do you get up?

how many of hours on average do you get?

how long did it take for you to actually like it? ;)

I have to be to work by 7:30, so I have to get the kids up, fed and dressed AND take care of myself before that. Therefore, I usually get up at 4:30 and either pound the bag, run through kata, or lift weights. I usually get between 1.5 and 2 hours in each morning. I don't like getting up that early, but it's the only time where it is possible, so I just deal with it. The key is to just make sure you get enough sleep. Turn the TV off.
I wake up 6 am in the morning to do 30 min of stretching. Then i got to my workout plan for the morning which composes of 40 pushups(regular), 15 clapping pushups,50 heel lifts,16 chinups, 100 squats, weightlifting(35 pounds dumbells), sholder training which is keeping the arm in boxing position for 10 min or more. 150 leg lifts, 30 stomach lifts and 5 min meditation. Lastly a shower rinse of the sweat so that my parents or my freinds get annoyed with stench of training.
I do the Ba Duan Jin (eight silk brocade) each morning. It takes about 30 minutes. Excellent for developing strength while maintaining suppleness.
Oh hell no, I'm a night owl and I'm lucky to get to work with a minute to spare, I need my sleep. If I need to work out I'll do it sometime sensible, like 9pm.

I don't have a morning work out. My sleep cycle is not always that I work second shift and the rest of the world pretty much...doesn't. ;)
I don't have a morning work out. My sleep cycle is not always that I work second shift and the rest of the world pretty much...doesn't. ;)

Oh man when I worked 2nd and 3rd shift I had a killer workout 1.5 to 2 hours a day, but it was late morning, early afternoon.... Oh and well I had no life outside of work and CMA so I had time. :)
I f I do get up to do one before work or whatever my day has planned for me I usually go for a jog around and end up at a playground for a while. Do agility and balance training there. Some situps, pushups, chinups and usually conditioning, then I jog home. Sometimes I lift weights at home and then I eat, take a shower and I'm good to go.

My flexibility is way down in the morning though and I also heard the the spinal fluid builds up in tyour spine over rest periods and it takes a whil to drain out so it's actually a little dangerous to stretch.