How many hours a week do you train?

not enough

2 hours of jujitsu class(can only make one class a week due to other obligations).
1-2 hours a week various ukemi and strikes
2-4 hours various fireamrs practice both dy and live fire
4-6 hours physical training, IE lifting and conditioning

so my goals are 9-14 hours a week devoted to actual training. Not to mention reading various materials and watching training videos.

I guess if I am serious I need to start spending alot less time on the net.

Martial arts themselves:
Anywhere from 3-10 hours at class
Various time at home/thinking about things, etc.

Working out:
Generally 4-5 hours a week.
Here's my weekly breakdown:
5-6 hours teaching, try to run basics with the class when I can
3 hours on forms, techs, sets
1 hour on bag work, speed drills
2 hours weight training
2 hours cardio
8 hours a day analyzing what I think I know. :D
2 hrs a week teaching

3 .5 hrs lifting weekly

2.5 hrs weekly aerobic work, running, elipitcal trainer, bag work

3 hrs weekly technique work

2 hrs weekly reviewing tapes, materials

2 hrs a month, reviewing with a higher rank

sparring whenever I get a chance
1 hour a week assisted teaching in the dojo

1 hour a week private lesson with my instructor

3 hours a week in the dojo for my class (3 days for an hour)

3 hours a week doing Combat Conditioning (days not in the dojo)

2 hours sparring and practicing techs and whatever else I feel I need to practice (on Saturdays)

2 hours a week teaching my younger brother (one day a week for 2 hours)

??? hours a week thinking about everything dealing with my studies. Any chance my brain has I start going over techs, combos, etc....

I've never really broken it down like that but now that I have I feel I need more time doing this stuff. I just can't get enough. :)
My Aikido class only meets 3 times a week. My mom and I usually don't miss any classes. It only adds up to about 4 hours (maybe a little more) but that's better than none at all.

Robyn :asian:
Lets see....
6 hours a week in class
2 hours a week teaching kickboxing
3 hours a week lifting weights/pushups/body weight drills
4 hours a week forms
2 hours a week bags
1 hour a week iron body training
2 hours a week running/jump rope/asthetic drills

I think thats about right, and thats all my free time, thats my life right there!! :D


PS: Of course I work at my school so that helps alot!

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