Morning training.

  • Thread starter Thread starter bscastro
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hey kirk,

dont skip training just to lift weights. what if you supplement your practice days? run after monday and wednesday and lift on tues and thurs.

or even just two or three times a week. cut out of class a little early on one and do a full workout, with one or two shorter ones on other days. youve got a wife and kids to think about so you defenitely dont want to be disappearing for too long, i dont know man, sounds like quite a life.
I usually train in the early morning since i work at night. From 3 to 5am are my best training times. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Well, I had my first morning workout in a while. I started off a little slow, for some reason I did not get very good sleep. I slept at 10:30 pm, work up at 2:30 am, and could not seem to get back to sleep until about 5:15 am (just laid in bed thinking), then got up at 5:45 am to workout. I considered getting an extra 30-40 minutes of sleep before getting ready for work, but decided that I just had to get up and do it.

In any case, I did some slow shadowkickboxing, working different punching, kicking, defensive, and trappling slowly. I tried to imagine my partner working with me (I think this is key for shadowboxing). Every once in a while, I would practice some breakfalls or do some calisthenics like Hindu squats or push-ups (I kind of just went with the flow) for a minute then get back to shadowboxing. I did this for about 30 minutes, then stretched and got ready for work. It was pretty light intensity, but the first 5-10 minutes were pretty groggy, so that's okay. I hope to do this 2-3 times a week on the weekdays. Hopefully, I can increase the time and do different things, but I was happy and I think it helped wake me up for the morning.

I also have given the morning training a try after being inspired like "bscastro"....

I can't drag my soory self out of bed as early as some of you, but as soon as I've been up and motivated (within the hour - also sending a kid off to school makes a difference...) I've run some of my forms and techniques slowly to get moving, and a couple of rounds of moderate movement.

So far, so good... I must say I am very impressed with all of you who get up really early and make a habit of early training. Good job!;)

Originally posted by theneuhauser

chiduce, you cant be serious??????
Yes, I'am very serious! I work at night and get home anywhere from 12:30 to 2 am! So, i eat dinner around 3 in the morning; check e-mail, messages etc,. Then work out before i go to bed! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!

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