Fellow Martial Artists, my name is Shaun Seifer and I have been training in the martial arts for over 25 years, and as a student of Mr. Rebelo since 1996 or 97. In the 11 years I have worked with Joe, he weekly teaches private lessons in Kobujutsu, Shaolin Kempo (Chaun fa/Karazenpo), EPAKK, TAI Kenpo, 3 separate sub styles of Nindo Ryu, Tai Chuan Tao, Taekwondo and 3 Tai Chi Forms (Wu's abstract, Yang long form and Chen style, after learning those he also teaches about 10 Tai Chi weapon forms). Now, let me reiterate that this is what he teaches AT LEAST once a week, and in private lessons, where it is much harder to teach, if, as some of you are suggesting, he didn't truly hold the listed ranks. In addition, Mr. Rebelo teaches seminars worldwide and is often used by the heads of several different arts (My art included), as a technical adviser. One of the things that always amazes me about Joe is that he'll cross reference any and all of the arts and transition into another one without even a blink. This is a man who truly knows his stuff. Mr Rebelo has numerous videos on youtube of him teaching or training in all of the listed arts AT THE SAME TIME, not like some people who go and get a yellow belt here and a green belt here and then decide they are masters. The youtube vids, which are easy to find by using the keyword KENPOJOE or Joe Rebelo, number around the double digit area right now, with hope of having about a hundred up by the beginning of next year. In addition, Mr. Rebelo has, for the last 18 years, been the host of "Martial Arts Today", which is featured on television stations across Massachusetts. He also has about 10 instructional videos out (I was featured in the Han Suki video getting beat up with the applications of the kata!). Insofar as his Tai Chi, I believe it was mentioned that he may know the forms, but not the application (or something like that), well let me tell you, Tai Chi was the most recent art I took up under Sifu Rebelo, seeing as I've been ill for quite a while, and please believe me when I say, he knows the applications (Chin-na, Chuan Fa and Dim mak) and teaches the first two very well, and makes his students show the application for each move to be advanced to the next form. As I write this, from my bed, as I'm severely ill, my one wish was that I could be in New Bedford tomorrow to celebrate my instructor and very good friend's birthday, which will mark his 49th (forty ninth) year in the Martial Arts. In 1996, when I first met Joe in the Martial Arts chat room on AOL, I was extremely skeptical about all his claims to rank, and even after I decided to give him a shot and train exclusively under him, would try and catch him off guard and ask to see a Bagua form here, or a Mantis technique there. I, as well as many from the old MAF clique quickly learned that he wasn't bragging, boasting or inflating his own ego, he was simply one in a million. I have, over the last 11 years, become accustom to going to seminars or tournaments and wind up listening to Joe give a lecture on some obscure form of Mongolian mud wrestling, or how a Klingon Bat'leth can be put to use in dance of death (or some other EPAK reference he'll be mad at me for making fun of), and he ALWAYS has an open door policy that when he is at his studio, and isn't teaching, anyone is welcome to come in and question his credentials and he will demonstrate anything from any of the arts in his resume. It has happened, and the person who came to criticize most times ends up deciding to train with Joe. Now I know this has been a long rant, but I want people to understand, I don't consider myself an expert in the Martial Arts, just someone who wants to learn. Like most of you, seeing Joe's resume makes it seem like a load of BS, but if you believe only one thing I type here today, let it be that "Joe Rebelo is not like the millions of other ********* con artists claiming multiple high ranks to make himself feel good, this guy is for real". So, until you walk through the doors to Rebelo's Kenpo Karate studio, and see Mr. Rebelo perform the material required for any of the ranks he has, or before you talk to the heads of the systems who promoted him to the ranks he holds, for once, lets not immediately assume "Guilty until proven innocent", and let Mr. Rebelo's posts (feel free to look through the forum, there are quite a few), videos (youtube and instructional) and knowledge (Mr. Rebelo invites people to visit him at his school) speak for themselves, not someone who holds a grudge against Joe putting him down, or someone like myself, who couldn't believe anyone could hold so many high ranks in so many arts until I tested him. He's a great instructor, and an even better friend, I just wish everyone could get to train under him at some point. Thank you, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE!!!!!