Have any other karateka besides George Dillman been able to accomplish the point strike knockout?

You might also dislodge a foreign object such as a brussel spout or a piece of steak.

Youā€™d think the MMA practitioners would use such a technique.

My brother once gave his wife an enthusiastic, firm bear hug and gave her a hiatus hernia making her suffer from terrible reflux and dyspepsia for years. Now thatā€™s like that delayed death strike thingy.
Then she needs a laparoscopic nissen fundoplication. Easy peasy.
Can you do it for her? She fat!
Well we always put people in reverse trendellenberg position for that procedure. It gets a lot of fat out of the way. However, itā€™s men that tend to have more visceral fat, women hold it on the outside. In any case sewing a mesh and mucking around in between liver and pericardium with 20 inch long instruments via video screen is always a bit stressful, particularly when when we pass the bougies down the goose and trans illuminate to reduce chance of stricture. I have seen a general surgeon perforate the goose once and will never forget the **** show that followed. Goose = esophagus.
You might also dislodge a foreign object such as a brussel spout or a piece of steak.

Youā€™d think the MMA practitioners would use such a technique.

My brother once gave his wife an enthusiastic, firm bear hug and gave her a hiatus hernia making her suffer from terrible reflux and dyspepsia for years. Now thatā€™s like that delayed death strike thingy.
Well now I'm having Brussels sprouts and steak for supper.
Seriously though, the chest thing does work. Not even making it up šŸ™
As someone who proudly served as a police officer for many years it pains me to say, that these days, I do not trust the police. Not one little bit.
I donā€™t mean to imply that police are bad or untrustworthy. I mean that they are people with a job to do, that job is to investigate, gather evidence, enforce the law, etc. I donā€™t have any reason to communicate with them unless I am the one who summoned them. Good sense and experience with the law says keep your mouth shut unless in a private room with an attorney who represents your interests. I comply with any lawful orders, other than that, I donā€™t gain anything by talking.
Well now I'm having Brussels sprouts and steak for supper.
Seriously though, the chest thing does work. Not even making it up šŸ™
Digital stimulation to the rectum can cause a similar Vagus response. Give that one a shot with a close friend. Really, it kills old folks during digital disimpaction sometimes.
As someone who proudly served as a police officer for many years it pains me to say, that these days, I do not trust the police. Not one little bit.
I, as a lawyer for many years, remember when one of my sons became a certified police officer. Knowing him and his understanding, or lack thereof, of the law was concerned for the people he came in contact with doing his job.

Know your rights. Assert your rights.
Ok I gotta say it. Nobody doubts that chest compressions are used to restart someone's heart. Whats so hard to believe about compressing someone's chest preventing the heart from pumping properly, causing them to pass out?
It was something we played with at military school for awhile ( a bunch of boys with no girls around doing stupid sh$t
Which, incidentally is the reason they probably should let women serve in combat roles. Because otherwise things get really, really stupid. We men become emotionally mature about five minutes before we die, and we need women to tell us what to do.
Which, incidentally is the reason they probably should let women serve in combat roles. Because otherwise things get really, really stupid. We men become emotionally mature about five minutes before we die, and we need women to tell us what to do.
Take a bunch of 13-17 year old boys who got in trouble constantly, send them to a military school for the summer to "whip them into shape " put them all in the same dorm building with minimal supervision after classes.....yeah you're going to get some really stupid stuff going on
Ok I gotta say it. Nobody doubts that chest compressions are used to restart someone's heart. Whats so hard to believe about compressing someone's chest preventing the heart from pumping properly, causing them to pass out?
Is that correct? Can you realistically ā€œrestart someoneā€™s heartā€ with chest compressions?
Always thought that's what they're for- I could be wrong, basic first aid is the extent of my medical know how. I guess I should've googled before posting that.
I was wrong. According to Harvard health publishing, restarting a heart is not the purpose of chest compressions but it does occur. My bad.
I still hold to the fact that pushing hard on someone's chest a certain way for a time will cause them to pass out. Seen it, done it, experienced it. So unless it was the power of suggestion, which I very highly doubt, it's a thing.
Always thought that's what they're for- I could be wrong, basic first aid is the extent of my medical know how. I guess I should've googled before posting that.
Just to be clear, I have no idea. I just always thought that the chest compressions were to keep the blood pumping until someone could do something else that would hopefully resuscitate the person. It has been literally decades since I took a CPR certification class, so don't take my word for anything.

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