While I agree Metal's comment about not being worth their rank was harsh/unnecessary, your comment above is ludicrous.
It was meant to be.
I personally agree that students should be aware of the wider Taekwondo community and history as they approach black belt. One day they are going to be instructors and how can they talk to their students about other systems, other associations and history if they don't know anything about them.
Sure - But what if his daughter just wants to learn Taekwondo? If she wants to become an instructor, when shes learning how to be an instructor, she can pick up all the other pieces.
I don't think they should necessarily be able to demonstrate/teach areas of other systems. I wouldn't necessarily phrase it in the inflammatory way Metal did though ;-)
So, if you take a white belt who asks a 1st kup about KKW Standard TKD, and that practitioner doesnt know anything about it, they should be demoted?
Boonhae for example are commonly not taught in Kukki-Taekwondo dojang. The Kukkiwon Textbook makes nary a mention of them. The Kukkiwon poomsae DVDs show a couple of examples for each pattern, but this seems to be more an "out of interest" thing than something actively taught as quite often these applications require slight technical adjustments to actually work.
Is learning about the WTF a part of non-KKW/WTF training regiments?
Is Boonhae a part of the KKW regimen?
When you learn Goju Ryu Karate, do they make you aware of all the other kinds of Karate out there as a part of your training? Replace Goju Ryu with any other way shape or form of Karate. Enough to identify them on sight? Isnt it all the same 'community'?
One might say, its more of an 'out of interest' thing, than something actively taught.
So, saying that a 2nd Kup KKW should be able to demonstrate boonhae (which isn't generally taught in KKW Taekwondo) for patterns they don't is like saying that Ralph's daughter should not only be aware of WTF sparring, but should be able to demonstrate the intricacies of it based on her knowledge of her system.
Aye - But the logic is similar. Im curious to know how many folks had to look up what Boonhae meant, or who didnt bother. The logic is that you should know about it
even though it is not a part of what you are doing.
We've had people crossover from ITF Taekwon-do to us over the years (and recently) and they are all easily taken apart under our rules until they learn the technique adjustments and strategy changes, then they become competitive. This is no surprise - it's not the same system. I liken it to badminton vs tennis, we use similar looking techniques, but the way we apply them and the strategies used are completely different.
Yep. But how many Tennis Players know more about Badminton than the fact that it exists?
I, for example, used to play tennis but honestly dont even know what badminton is. It was never a thing at school, and ive only heard it mentioned on tv. Does that mean i was never deserved to be called a tennis player? (I know thats different, but you made the comparison.

So your analogy doesn't quite fit.
When i added the part about Palgwe, i added that out of curiosity. How many people dont know about Palgwe, or know about it but have never seen them? I mean, if i took some TKD folks from this site at random, and without telling them what it was showed them Palgwe, assuming they didnt see the TKD uniforms, how many of them would go "Oh, thats Palgwe", and how many wouldnt know what it is? Palgwe are a part of TKD, just as much as the KKW and WTF as the ITF is to the WTF and KKW. If Ralphs daughter doesnt deserve to be a 1st kup because she cant identify olympic TKD, does that mean any of us who cant identify Palgwe dont deserve our ranks either? Even if that isnt what were learning or doing, just because there are other TKD places where that IS what theyre learning and doing?
Im open to discussing it, but i think my analogy fit the discussion swell.