Has olympic Taekwondo ruined the reputation of the art?

ok i correct myself i watched that video again and yes some of those kicks looked like TKD. but that's 8 knockouts in UFC history, and UFC has had about 324 fights, so I'm still not convinced that TKD is a martial art that a lot of UFC fighters use much

You didn't pay much attention, then. Mirko Cro Cops career is described (in that video) as 'one one-kick knockout after another'.
And since the title of the clip is "Ultimate 8 [...]", it's not rocket science to figure out that there are more than eight to choose from.
You didn't pay much attention, then. Mirko Cro Cops career is described (in that video) as 'one one-kick knockout after another'.
And since the title of the clip is "Ultimate 8 [...]", it's not rocket science to figure out that there are more than eight to choose from.
wasn't trying to offend you my bad
Anyone watch the UFC Fight Night the other evening? Stephen Thompson really brought this thread to mind. I did a little google-fu and it doesn't look like he's a TKD guy. But, if you can check out video of the fight, I think you'll agree with me that his stand up style is very reminiscent of Olympic style TKD. Even his hands were low.

If there was any question that this style of fighting would work in the UFC, we've seen it. And this was against Jake Ellenburger, who is a seasoned, skilled veteran.
Anyone watch the UFC Fight Night the other evening? Stephen Thompson really brought this thread to mind. I did a little google-fu and it doesn't look like he's a TKD guy. But, if you can check out video of the fight, I think you'll agree with me that his stand up style is very reminiscent of Olympic style TKD. Even his hands were low.

If there was any question that this style of fighting would work in the UFC, we've seen it. And this was against Jake Ellenburger, who is a seasoned, skilled veteran.

If you have good movement and instincts you can get away with a loose guard, thompsons a shining example.

IT was definitely TMA style sparring, very reminiscent of Kukki-TKD

It was hilarious too cause ellenberger made quite a few cracks at thompson for training in Karate....Then got Ko'ed by it HARD

He took quite a few nasty kicks

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