1) With opponent applying headlock from your left side, step forward and to your left to 10 o'clock with your right foot into a right close kneel stance while turning your head to the left and tucking your chin against your chest. Simultaneously deliver a right hammerfist to opponents groin and a left hammerfist to opponents left kidney.
2) As you pivot into a left forward bow facing 6 o'clock, have the fingers of your left hand press under opponents nose or have your left hand grab opponents hair to force the head back.
3) Immediately follow up with a right heel palm strike to the chin as you pivot into a left forward bow. Make sure that the head of your opponent is arched and forced back and down to minimize your opponents leverage.
Discussion on this technique to include any variations you may have or taking into consideration any 'what ifs' as this technique written is in the 'ideal phase'
2) As you pivot into a left forward bow facing 6 o'clock, have the fingers of your left hand press under opponents nose or have your left hand grab opponents hair to force the head back.
3) Immediately follow up with a right heel palm strike to the chin as you pivot into a left forward bow. Make sure that the head of your opponent is arched and forced back and down to minimize your opponents leverage.
Discussion on this technique to include any variations you may have or taking into consideration any 'what ifs' as this technique written is in the 'ideal phase'