So....during questioning, a person has his/her hands in their pockets and is acting nervous. The LEO asks them to remove their hands. So, your line of thinking is that if the person complies, that they're bowing down to the govt? Actually, by doing what the cop wants, it'll ease their mind, and the other person will run less of a risk of getting taken to the ground or a gun pulled on them. Why not take your hands out? Hiding something? Got a blade in your pocket you're just itching to pull out? Drugs maybe?
I mean that as a serious question. Why should the government be able to tell me how I can or can not stand in public? I know you probably don't think of yourself as the government, but you are. When the state starts thinking they have the right to tell people how they may or may not stand, we've pretty well given up any meaningful rights at all.
That said, I would think that a polite request of something like, "Would you mind taking your hands out of your pockets, it's making me nervous." Or something along those lines would be complied with by most people. And failure to comply with a simple request would (and should) make the officer a bit more alert, but is it against the law for someone to stand how they like while answering a question?