When I first started my night job and had discussions about safety with some other folks here....a few folks told me to not pull over if an unmarked was trying to pull me over, and to first call 911 to confirm that what was behind me was the real deal.
I soon found out that.....when you have a full rack of beacons in your rear view...and its dark....you can't tell whether what is behind you is marked or unmarked.

I've also learned that...the stretch of road that I've traveled is patrolled heavily by the real LEOs looking for drunks that have been in the taverns till closing time.
That being said, we do have some atypical unmarkeds here and in northern MA (SUV's, etc)
Archangel/JKS...what do you guys think about verifying with 911 if you have your suspicions about whose beacons are behind you?