No one saying you "have to" Bob. It not illegal for me to ask either. The issue for most cops is that most people do indeed have "papers" on them. "Most" people refuse to show it either because they want to be *******s or because they are wanted. A simple "do I have to?" if you just dont want to will get a "no" from me if I dont have a legal reason to demmand it.
If you have a license, ever had a ticket or ever been arrested I can confirm your ID with your name and DOB.
In this job its always good to know who you are dealing with. If I can get an ID without a problem Ill take it.
I'll ask next time it happens. At my current rate, that'll be oh, 2016?
Here's my problem.
You are looking, for whatever reason.
You ask me for ID, in order to eliminate me from suspicion.
But I'm innocent until proven guilty.
In this case, I'm suspicious until I'm not.
Kinda bugs me.Make sense where I'm coming from here? Not trying to drive people nuts, or cause poor Drac to jump on a stake.
Depends in a significant part on state law. In general, if there's no reasonable suspicion of criminal act -- None. At least for now...
But is my not having those now suddenly "suspicious" and "probable"?
Depends on the circumstances, but generally, no that doesn't let me enter your house without a warrant or your permission. In fact, I'm not going to let you go into that house if I'm dealing with you; I don't know what you've got in the house.
You mean it's not on my secret government file about how I scared the crap outta 2 FBI agents with my collection of wall hangers, and 3 fierce attack cats, who shed on them and gave the one the sniffles?
Seriously though, it's a good idea, but if I don't have my papers, and you need those papers, my options now seem limited to suspicious and more suspicious, neither of which will allow for a quick resolution to our problem.
Baring me giving my name, address, etc, what else can I offer, besides a state or federal issued ID? I always have my business cards, you could google me and find my face on 7/10 of the first 10 sites.
Or, is my only option a ride down town, a long boring wait while we wait for someone who can verify I am who I say I am to show up?
Not like you see in TV, where the cops get pictures and all sorts of current info on the person. Not all states have put the photographs in the computers in a way that cops can get them, and not every cop has a computer that's capable of doing any of that, anyway! We can run your information, and get whatever physical description DMV has -- which can be worse than useless. Virginia, for example, doesn't report race as part of the DMV description; it's not like race is some sort of physical descriptor that might help identify someone or anything...
Well, that would be racist, don't you know, and only discrimination against whites is legal.
Regents of the University of California vs Bakke
United Steelworkers of America v. Weber
(These are in something I'm working on for later on)