Kreth said:
You might want to check your dates, snowjob. My reply to Enson was prior to Kaith subdividing the forum. As for adding to the discussion, I feel I am doing so by providing a counter to your misinformation. You may notice that I'm not giving Genin Andrew, et al; a hard time, as they're not attempting to rewrite history. I don't have a problem with neo-ninja, just those who try to change historical fact to give themselves a lineage that does not, in fact, exist. Your "historical summaries" are a joke, and I, and others will continue to point out the gaping holes in them as long as you post them.
Oh, and btw, the big word you were fishing for is narcissistic. Perhaps if you quit trying to play the lecturer and actually read some of these titles you keep posting, you wouldn't feel that I'm picking on you.
snowjob????? Moving right along Kreth.
Regardless of dates - and recoup as you wish - you told Enson that he was not welcomed to post in the original section or subsection because his Ryu had no ties in Lineage to Japan and no one should post in your little word of traditionalism if their Ryu isn't listed in the book. Japan notwithstanding, this attitude is downright unAmerican. Who appointed you Lord of the Japanese Ninjutsu Ring anyway? And, FYI, Tew Ryu does, in fact, have lineage to Japan. Because you don't know of it, does not mean it does not exist. Here (in this sub section) we don't care and will not pursue the matter.
Wasn't fishing for any word. I wrote what I intended to write.
In all seriousness because I do feel you and I (even Andrew too) can participate in a good civil dialogue, please feel free to
point out the gaping holes in my "historical summaries." This "pointing out" is what I am really looking forward too. I want to know why "things just don't fit." But I do wish that you and others would drop the personal attacks and just say, as an example, no sojobow, Ninjutsu in Japan began in the year xxxx because of xxxxxxxx. A man/woman named xxxxxxxx started it by xxxxxxxxxx.
Believe me, all I want is to get close to something that makes sense regardless of the Lineage. There were other Ninjutsu families in areas other than Iga and Koga. How are we all related? Who were/are they? Since the Landlords hated Ninjitsu/Ninjutsu and used their Samurai to wage war on Ninjitsu/Ninjutsu (just disregard any word you don't like), how were these Ninja able to defend themselves against the samurai sword? Would the survival of the Ninja prove that their Sword Techniques were equal to that of the Samurai? Would a Ninja be caught grappling? Would a Ninja really be involved with a dojo open to the public? Would a real Ninja ever admit that he was a Ninja? What would a Ninja think of BJJ? What were the battle tactics used by the Landlords and how did the Iga Ninja defend in their particular war? When the Emperor brought peace and nationality to Japan and, as some say, hired Ninja as his Secret Service, government-sponsored CIA, killers etc, when, and whom did he hire, and when and whom did he fire? Has there ever been a group waged war against simply because of what they knew other than Ninja? Does Sun Tzu really have anything to do with Ninjitsu/Ninjutsu? And how-the-heck did the Huns end up with the Bow of the Ninja as their primary weapon since Japan was a closed/secret society at the time?
Ok to even say, sojobow, you're an idiot. xxxxxxxx never happened as you say but what really happened was xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Words of insult never really effect me so the portion of these statements that I value would begin with what you say after the usual Traditionalistic Insults. But, at least, ADD SOMETHING (hopefully, other than the usual useless pomp). The insults are noted if if makes you feel better Soke. You're much better than what you present as intellect in your past 30 post.